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One thing I’d love to see in Firefox is a way to offload the translation engine to my local ollama server. This way I can get much better translations but still have everything private.


Training your own will be very difficult. You will need to gather so much data to get a model that has basic language understanding.

What I would do (and am doing) is just taking something like llama3 or mistral and adding your own content using RAG techniques.

But fair play if you do manage to train a real model!


But this, in fact, is what actual war looks like these days: Sometimes it’s a volley of 300 missiles and drones, and sometimes it is lean, targeted, and carried out covertly. Gone are the days of vast conquering armies and conventional military confrontations between two parties.

So, like what’s happening in Ukraine right now?

I mean they use drones for some deep strikes causing minor damage but most of the actual advancement is made using artillery and boots on the ground.


I had an older couple of gay men treat me like a zoo animal for just hanging around drinking coffee as a trans woman at pride, in Provincetown of all places, wearing my regular clothes. Like, shoving a camera in my face and commenting to one another about how butch they felt I was. I would have dumped my drink over him if I hadn’t been so shocked. A pride flag doesn’t really tell me anything about whether you’re transphobic.

Wow, so sorry you had to deal with that. 😢 Especially from older gay men who probably had to fight for their own rights when they were young.

When I look at my own environment it seems the anti-trans sentiment seems to be exploding. Especially since the fascists became the biggest party in the last Dutch elections. I’ve literally had to cut some “friends” off because I was sick of hearing their BS. Always the same tired fake facts crap too (like “they’re trying to convert our kids”)

I’m not trans but some of my friends are, and my impression is that it has become much harder for them in recent years. I always wear rainbow bands in June mainly because I thought it was all inclusive (and I couldn’t find progress ones). But I’ll try to find a progress one or a trans-flag one to wear beside it this year ❤️


It’s a useful feature but it doesn’t need space on my taskbar or a special button on my keyboard. That’s just marketing BS. The same as with the huge search bar, because I can just press the start button and start typing and it does the same.

Unfortunately Microsoft is incredibly bad at marketing. They generally succeed only at pissing users off. Now they’re doing the same again with copilot and dumping a ton of totally different products under the same name.


Good. I hope people will move away from it soon. I hate Discord for banning third-party clients and datamining my system for installed apps. So I’ve never really used it.

It does mean I’m excluded from some FOSS projects’ support like Home Assistant but to hell with that :P


We could recover a lot more helium from natural gas production (some fields contain a lot) but right now it’s vented because it doesn’t have enough value for the operators. Only a few places worldwide bother recovering it during refinement.

But as it gets scarcer the price will go up. Unfortunately the already vented helium is gone forever 😔


It’s a good point. Biden’s unconditional support for Netanyahu is not helping him at all (even though he seems to be trying to mediate in the background, he’s not very successful and the optics are really bad).

But the question is, who else would be a candidate with enough support? He’s counting on the incumbent bonus now but I also doubt it’s good enough, if “not Trump” is the main thing he has going for him. I don’t know US politics well enough to know about any alternatives. Buttigieg maybe?

But another Trump reign would be bad for the whole world order and climate so I really hope that won’t happen.

I think a Bernie win would be amazing but I doubt he has enough hardliner support even on the Democratic side.


You could but you also had to reload them every 2 weeks which is a real PITA, or pony up the $100. And keep Xcode up to date which uses a ton of space.


Yep notifications require google play services installed. They do not require a google account or being signed in to one. It’s based on the device ID alone. I don’t have a google ID on my phone and push messages work just fine.
