Meh. So lange ich noch kommentieren und lesen kann 🤷♂️
Wieso würde überhaupt jemand, der noch halbwegs bei Verstand ist Docker auf einem Windows Server betreiben wollen? Auf Server gehört Linux, außer man muss irgendeinen Proprietären Müll betreieben, der nur auf Windoof läuft!
For me it’s more about trivializing certain puzzles. Pretty much everything with a chasm gets reduced to “I pick up a rope and fly over there.”. Sometimes, that’s ok, but sometimes I don’t want it to be that simple.
Well, life has gotten a whole lot simpler, since I stopped DMing DnD altogether.
Software-Engineer hier. Ja, üblicherweise 5 Tage im Jahr, mehr nach Absprache. Kostenpflichtige Fortbildungen müssen begründet werden, gehen aber i.d.R. durch. AG zahlt Trainings- und Reisezeit sowie Unterkunft und Bahntickets, sofern diese nötig sind. Wie andere schon sagten, wer fähige Mitarbeiter will, muss diese auch entsprechend fördern.
Quite a few people have commented about possible societal models for such a community. So I’ll extend this by adding some thoughts about specific environmental challenges.
One would assume that the conditions in the lower levels are not very nice, so maybe rampant drug usage could be a thing. Some mongrels might be in pain due to the procedure and abuse pain killers. Others may just want to escape reality. Someone has to supply these. Maybe they’re a misguided individual who wants to help their peers, maybe they’re a stone cold profiteer who will make for an amazing miniboss. Who knows?
Another important factor is food. Mushrooms grow in dark places and could make up a lot of the diet of the mongrel folk. Or a former botanist could experiment with plants that grow under these conditions. Maybe there’s even some animal husbandry going on. Or if you want there to be a darker twist, cannibalism is always an option. Maybe it’s even part of their society. Being chosen to be the next meal is a great honor.
Lastly, what do the mongrels do for fun? Do they enjoy pit fights?If so, the players could take the wrong way into the arena room and face a crowd of cheering mongrels and some tough opposing fighters. Are there storytellers who remember some fragments of their human lives? Perhaps even some trash collectors who are willing to sell their strange goods even to outsiders?
Die Cannabis-Legalisierung fordert erste Opfer.