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Ging ungefähr 20 Minuten schneller als ich gebraucht habe um nachzuschauen ob es so weit ist. Anders gesagt hat es nur wenige Minuten gedauert. Echt cool.


Nebenbei sei noch erwähnt das “nicht unterstützt” nicht gleich “funktioniert nicht” bedeutet. Es kann auch einfach sein das bestimmte neue Funktionen nicht tun oder alte nicht ganz so richtig laufen aber die app grundsätzlich trotzdem nutzbar ist.

Ja ich kommentiere das gerade von der jerboa app in der neuen Version wo die Server Version 0.17.4 nicht “unterstützt”.


Wie genau werden aktive Nutzer überhaupt berechnet? Wenn aktiv sein Kommentare oder Beiträge voraussetzt fallen da aktuell die ersten Nutzer raus die keine Beiträge schreiben und auch nicht kommentieren. Etwa wie ich wo eher liest anstatt selber aktiv zu werden und einen Beitrag erstellt oder kommentiert.

Es gibt da noch viel mehr was zu beachten wäre bei so Zahlen aber ich bin gerade zu faul mehr zu schreiben.


Da könnte der Manager sogar Recht haben. Ich kann mich nämlich auch nicht daran erinnern in den letzten zehn Jahren ein Ubisoft Spiel gekauft zu haben. In dem Sinne “besitze ich ihre Spiele nicht” die waren mir das Geld einfach nicht wert. Faktisch hatte ich nicht mal daran interesse die anderweitig zu beschaffen. Warum auch, hat man eins davon in del gefühlt letzten 15 Jahren gespielt hat man ja schon irgendwo alle gespielt.


I suppose it doesn’t quite qualify as breaking the system in a funny or stupid way but it certainly was one of those stupid things that was easy to fix after a ton of trouble shooting, ignoring the issue for a while and trying to fix it again.

So i had an old pc where I had a failed hard drive which I replaced. Obviously I also accidentally unplugged my optical disc drive and plugged it back in. Now that failed drive was just a data drive so the system should have booted up no problem since the os was on a SSD but instead it got a kernel panic and got stuck at boot. Since it was late I left it at that and came back to that the next day where it would still not boot. So I unplugged the disc drive and looked up what it could be. Tried a ton of different possible solutions but every time I added that disc drive it would panic.

I eventually kind of gave up and just didn’t use that disc drive at all and just had it as a paperweight in the system. Unplugged and all that. When my replacement SSDs for my old data drive and backup drive came in I tried again to get that optical drive working but to no avail. So I unplugged it again, got it all set up and ran into another issue where for some reason Linux couldn’t properly use my backup SSD. So I investigated that as well and trough some miracle found a post on the forum from my Mainboard manufacturer… Turns out that particular Mainboard had a data retention chip on it that didn’t like Linux.

So naturally I just plugged everything into the data ports that were not controlled by that chip and it all worked as intended.

Stupid dumb chip on a Mainboard, all I had to do was try the simple idea of unplugging and trying a different connector but instead I did all that other stuff first that didn’t work and cost me so much of my time.

Moral of the story, when in doubt try and put stuff on different connectors and see if that fixes it. Might just be a dead connector for all you know. Or an incompatible chip on the Mainboard.

FWIW I bought that Mainboard long before I switched to Linux and didn’t plan at all to switch at the time. But that’s a different story.


Welcome to Linux! Enjoy the stay.

Now when it comes to me, I had my windows system break on me when I tried to diagnose a HDD issue and decided that since it’s just a data drive I can just disconnect it and see if it was the right drive. How wrong I was, couldn’t even get it to boot after that. So since I didn’t like how windows 10 handled stuff like that and knew at the time that it would get worse… I set up a dual boot with windows 10 and Ubuntu. Figuring that I would probably use windows the most and only sometimes use Linux. After a short while I actually had moved everything I could to Ubuntu and only used windows for the very few things that were just too stubborn at the time. Mainly anti Cheat stuff. It was still 2018 after all. Since that eventually got solved I ditched windows completely and have never looked back. Though I still sometimes wonder about a few of the issues I see and hear about on windows these days.


All you really need to know is that said person failed upwards and then got into it’s current position by a backroom deal that ignored the EU election results.

IMHO very questionable at least, at best not good in that position either.


Ah… Good old FDP doing FDP things where the holy economy is worth more than the lives of countless people and animals in pursuit of profits. Even seemingly going so far to potentially ruin the global ecosystem for everyone because earning lots of money wasn’t enough and they wanted to earn all the money.

Fortunately by the looks of it they won’t get voted back into a position of power again. Unfortunately however it looks like a different but equally bad (and worse) party will more than replace them.


That cycle is real indeed. Though I am not quite sure if it’s stupid first time voters or just naive people thinking that they are meant when they mention the economy doing good with them. In either case, I have seen that cycle in action too and I also don’t get why a party for the top 1% gets more than 5% of votes.


Klar sind diese bösen bösen Killerspiele daran schuld das Fabian aggressiv ist und manchmal ziemlich Gewalt anwendet… Das Fabian ziemlich heftiges Mobbing erträgt und deshalb schon Depression hat ist ja sicher nicht daran schuld. Dafür können ja die anderen schüler ja nichts und die Lehrer haben ja auch nichts falsch gemacht.

Und das man Angst hat das Fabian deswegen eventuell schlimmeres plant liegt auch nur an den bösen Killerspielen und nicht am Mobbing und kompletten versagen von Lehrern pädagogisch wertvoll zu sein. Das Fabian so abgestumpft ist kommt ja auch nur von den bösen Killerspielen anstatt vom Mobbing.

Fabian ist heute 30 und hat immer noch zumindest mit einer hochfunktionalen Depression zu kämpfen. Aber daran sind natürlich die bösen Killerspiele schuld und nicht die ganzen anderen Faktoren.

Von daher wundert mich das Ergebnis davon nicht, ich hab deswegen Leute verkloppt und Stillschweigen darüber behalten ob ich schlimmeres vor have damit ich endlich meine Ruhe habe anstatt ständig gemobbt zu werden, nicht weil ich diese “bösen” Spiele gespielt habe.
