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Kannst du genauer erklären was du meinst? Vlt bin ich einfach schon auf deren Rhetorik reingefallen aber es macht mMn schon Sinn zwischen Einwanderern, die man nicht ablehnen (d.h. Asylanten), und Einwanderern, die man ablehnen kann, zu unterscheiden.

Einschränkungen bei Asylrecht sind ein ganz anderes Kaliber als Einschränkungen beim Immigrationsrecht und sollte insofern auch getrennt behandelt werden.


Not really as isotonic drinks are about having the same proportions of water and electrolytes as your blood.

Imagine completely evaporating a isotonic drink. Now you’ve got a pulver left. Obviously, this isn’t going to be refreshing (unless you mix it with water again)


I’ve actually wondered about this. If you take a sealed container, freeze and thaw it again, shouldn’t it be sterile? So basically good for as long as the seal remains tight?

With some exceptions of course, the seal might not be tight at low temperatures, some bacteria can survive frost etc.


Sure. In my experience a week is absolutely no problem and usually cooked food goes bad in a detectable way (mold or tasting off). Personally I never had a problem but I guess it also depends on the fridge temperature and whether it really was cooked/fried all the way through.


Jag fattar inte varför kärnkraft är så politiserad. Varför låter man inte företag bestämmer det själv? Det verkar ju inte som om dom (t ex Vattenfall) är intresserade. Bara några nackdelar:

  • De är dyrare än andra alternativ
  • Långa byggtider
  • Avfallshanteringen
  • Urananskaffningen

Finns självklart föredelar också men det verkar som politikerna slår en död häst med kärnkraft.


Alternatively, they give Reddit one users worth of ads to make Lemmy a better alternative. I think many will continue using Reddit but attempt to reduce the usage (especially once 3PA are blocked). That means once you run out of content on Lemmy, you switch to Reddit. So more content on Lemmy means less time on Reddit.

The simple truth is that there are communities on Reddit that I care more about than about the API changes. And for those I will continue using Reddit until an alternative exists. So it is a gradual change for me and everyone that helps moving the good content to Lemmy helps me indirectly.

I guess it comes down to whether you consider highly upvoted content good content, especially when it comes to memes etc.


Yeah, I guess that was a bit of a strawman. Obviously mass extinctions are bad.


Sorry, I meant “destroy the planet” as in lifeless/only single celled organisms.

And you can kind of see humanity as “just another big asteroid impact”. Nature will recover competeley over the next million years or so. That’s what I meant with mass extinctions being kind of inconsequential for the planet as a whole on geological time scales.

Obviously mass extinctions are also bad besides their effect on human society, I just meant that that is mostly a spiritual one thats hard to measure, about lost potential and eradicating a species. As a thought experiment, is eradicating a disease, a form of life, inherently negative? Mosquitoes? Do you agree that it’s a big achievement that we eradicated small pox? What if we eradicate all existing diseases?


TBH, I haven’t read that much about the aftermath. I only heard some parts (e.g. the secret services) kept quiet for quite some time which suggests for me that they didn’t really care either way. If everyone really supported him it does make a coup/collapse less likely. The impression I got was simply:

  • The support for Putin was cautious, especially in the beginning
  • Putins handling and Lukashenkos involvement do not convey strength thereby making everyone with power more likely to support a future coup

I also don’t think the gang of eight is that diectly relatable because the SU collapsed. Here, it would simply mean replacing one president for another. In theory, a coup is as simple as a successful assasination (ignoring the successor question).

For me, it doesn’t look like there is any way out for Putin. Winning the war is unrealistic at this time, would take a long time and would result in a long embargo from the west, destroying the economy even further. Losing the war will probably result in extreme protests with all the casualties that already occurred. We will see whatever happens. I assume that Prigozhin failed not because the elite support Putin but because they are even more afraid of him. I assume everyone with money wants the war to end.

And about the USA, yeah that’s a bit of a whataboutism. There is a lot of division there and I think they are one bad president away from significantly worsening the situation. We will see about that too I guess.


I mean, I agree with your points here. Honestly, I’m wondering why he started in the first place as his life still is in danger.

I just don’t agree that this strengthened the state/Putin. In a way, if someone like Prigozhin without any realistic chance tries a coup and gets away with his life (at least for now) doesn’t this show how weak Russia currently is?
