Caveman absolutely proud of you. Hunter-gatherer lifestyle was closer to how most animals live: most of their lives are spent resting. Periods of hunting take up a lot of energy and most animals spend most of the waking hours conserving energy. Humans weren’t that much of an exception.
A descendant who rests the majority of their lives is living the dream. Especially when pretty much all prehistory threats are eliminated: predators, neighboring tribes killing you (for most of us anyways…), starvation, prevalent disease, infant mortality, extreme seasons, etc.
Contrast that to the founding father’s age in America: those rich assholes hated and feared the working class. They had incredible animosity directed at any non-owner class people. They even created a nation and had the gall to say “every man is created equal” and then most states denied voting rights to non-landowners, non-men, non-white people, and often based on age and religion. It could be as low when the Constitution was ratified as 20-25%. So it’s safe to say the white-haired ancestor would find the average person’s lack of hard work and life of some leisure a good thing, in general those asshats were closer to modern billionaires.
No you’ll get fined, fail to pay fines, get arrested for failing to pay fines, get sent to prison and work as a slave forever as court fines increase in perpetuity.
Republicans want to bring slavery back wholesale and they are succeeding.
Great. They made him a martyr and he’s still alive to capitalize on it. Worst case scenario. Fucking fuck.
Corps figured out sustained income was better than marketing and making products. All they had to do was take away every digital product and turn it into a subscription.
Then they’ll buy each other up until they are an effective monopoly and raise prices forever.
I don’t see a way out of this for products already captured if you need them.
Here you go. It’s gross!
Fuck yeah. Probably won’t go anywhere with a traitorous house majority but it’s worth it to try and get them on the record.
If auditing millionaires generated a billion dollars, then it stands that auditing billionaires should generate a trillion dollars! /s
Only a little sarcastic, we should audit the shit out of them.
Just arrest his ass. Clearly conspiracy as he’s encouraging others to attempt it.