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Ich habe das 3 mal sehen müssen, um zu verstehen, dass die verkündungsstätten des blauen Vogels zwitscher ist XD


Emoji variable names should be simultaneously considered encryption and a crime against humanity


emotionally well adjusted

No shot anyone who posts “I’m practicing gratitude today” is well adjusted lul


Mein Fenster zwei-Hochfahr ist quasi nur Hochfahrlader für Valorant(TapferkeitAmeise?). Ist das dann noch ein Fenster zwei-Hochfahr oder ein Ressourcen-intensiver Hochfahrlader für nen TapferkeitAmeise zwei-Hochfahr. Wer ist hier d(er|ie) designierte[r]? ich_iel Philosoph[in]?


This guy is so close but got stuck jerking off his own intellectualism half way.

As a rule masculinity and femininity are both a collection of traits. Usually defined something like this:

Masculinity is assertiveness, confidence and maybe something like independence.

Femininity is Emotional intelligence, Empathy and maybe something like team-coordination.

Now I view these groups like the hormones testosterone and estrogen. You need both to function. But the ratio between them defines whether you appear masculine or feminine.

You need to be capable of displaying both groups.

However, currently one side demonizes masculine traits, while the other side calls feminine traits gay.

The Author is close to the truth, in the sense that the traits he describes as good masculine traits shouldn’t be exclusive to men. But he looses the plot by tying the traits directly and exclusively to the genders. This is illustrated by calling Margaret Thatcher an honorary man instead of a masculine woman.

Because of this he concludes, that everyone should have all traits regardless of group. This is correct but looses the significance of these groups, both in terms of role models and sexuality.

He accurately points out the issues and ridiculousness of current masculinity gurus but misses why they are appealing. The need for guidance amongst young men is evident.

But let’s leave aside all discussion of what makes someone a real “man” and just aspire to become decent human beings.

This quote betrays a general misunderstanding of what the issue is. Becoming a decent human is not a problem. The issue is becoming a (good) man. Society has gone far in expanding women’s possibilities, but the traditional roles for men have not really been changed, so they don’t fit into this new environment. This leads to a lot of confusion, to where we have cis men struggling to perform their gender and looking for help.

Now Tate and company offer some form of help. Its terrible, but it speaks to the problem, while Mr. Robinson pretends like the problem doesn’t exist and just tells young man to become good humans.

Its often interesting to view gender issues through the trans lens. In this case I would argue that the Author would approach a trans man, who is asking how to be a man very differently.

In my opinion this article is part of the problem driving more men to become Tate-stans and misogynists.

TL;DR: Everyone should display all traits, but the ratio is significant to determine overall appearance.

The existence of stereotypes like tomboy show that there is a link between traits and gender, but on an individual basis the ratio of traits can swap. And that’s also cool.

Also the author is an ideolog ignoring the problem he writes about.


He does refer to a quote, but I think the “honorary man” wording comes from him. If he quotes it, the rest of the article still proves that he links these trait-groups exclusively to either gender.

Gender performance isn’t something you fake, like in a theater, it’s more something you do like performing in a sport. I should have clarified that.

Also being yourself is not an answer. Young people are struggling with exactly that. Being yourself only works, if you know what yourself is. Gender traits or role models can give great guidelines for what you strive to be. And somewhere along your growth as a person you will find things that work and things that don’t. But you need some “starting direction” because yourself is usually still a kid.

For the trans thing, my wording is a bit unclear.

I meant acting like a (stereotypical) man.

You can say that they are a man as soon as they identify as one. I would also treat people that way. But the goal of most trans people is being recognized as their identified gender, without stating it, also called passing.

If you talk to trans people, there is often a concept of performing gender. This includes fashion and voice, but also mannerisms. To some these mannerisms come naturally, some train them to be more in line with how they view themselves.

I think these mannerisms and to an extend fashion are things that young men are also looking to modify in order to pass as men.

The obvious difference being that trans men switch gender, while cis men just go from boys to men.


But what if I’m attracted to androgyny? I feel like a lot if people are and I don’t know a word for that.

For reference I’m talking about memes like: My taste in women: Picture of LeanBeefPatty My taste in men: Picture of F1nnster

I think finnster had some coming out video, so might not be accurate anymore. But I see similar memes a lot.


Wanted to dunk on US voter participation, but got corrected.

Maybe the French wouldn’t need to protest 24/7 if they actually voted. Like wtf is this XD

How are you famous for protests and revolutions, but don’t participate afterwards XD


I never looked into this, so I have some questions.

Isn’t the overhead of a new function every time going to slow it down? Like I know that LLVM has special instructions for Haskell-functions to reduce overhead, but there is still more overhead than with a branch, right? And if you don’t use Haskell, the overhead is pretty extensive, pushing all registers on the stack, calling new function, push buffer-overflow protection and eventual return and pop everything again. Plus all the other stuff (kinda language dependent).

I don’t understand what advantage is here, except for stuff where recursive makes sense due to being more dynamic.
