

20 posts • 53 comments
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I was mocking around with GPU drivers in order to make Podman containers to access the GPU. (…) I don’t have much spare time and I would like to play a game, I used to play before, without spending hours/days fixing issue that didn’t exist last time I played it.


I had other, non-regular user issues with those

I think, you should keep these two things (messing with containers accessing GPU and “just play a game”) separate. I mean on separate boxes. Because now you can’t “just play” because you’ve been elbows deep in OS internals. You can’t take apart your fridge and then expect it to just cool the water the next day

“optimised” for KDE

Then I’m guessing these might need some KDE envs

Yes, I use it on a daily basis but there’s no easy way to get it working on iOS/iPadOS.

Ah, you’re trying to breach the non-open wall. Is there an app on i* that allows you to set up an ftp/http file sharing server on the device? You probably could set it up as rclone upstream


I think it’s like racists. Whether one wants to be one or not is not tied with being one or not. That doesn’t mean they all have one secret handshake


I think it will depend on what exactly is in the PDF. If these are text, you can in a pinch just copy and paste it but I’d expect libreoffice to be able to open it. If these are images, you’ll have to use some OCR


A minority Ubisoft investor (…) noting that Ubisoft’s share price has fallen by over 40% since last year. Accordingly, Krupa wants the board to “take Ubisoft private or allow it to sell to strategic investor”

Looks to me as if someone wanted a fast lever and with that failing now they’d like to sell ASAP


AJ Investments appear to be new kids on the block as Ubisoft minority shareholders. According to Krupa, “we started our Ubisoft position couple weeks ago and are still adding to it”. They do, however, boast of their “extensive knowledge about the gaming industry” after being a “long-term shareholder in Activision Blizzard”.

"We cannot understand the decision-making process of current management



wrote a library in BASIC for screen / window applications in DOS. (you know, pop-up text-windows and so on). How do I do that on linux (in C)?
I know there exist things like QT and ncurses

So it’s graphical interface we are after or text based?

For text, I agree with others, ncurses

For graphical

  • pyGTK
    basically everything you need, some learnig curve as it’s big and versatile. But to be honest, when trying to achieve something I’d suggest to start from GTK reference to me it somehow conveys the logic better than the PyGTK reference
  • Kivy
    haven’t used it, but might be fun to use
  • wxWidgets
    very cross-platform. Not only you can use it to write UI that will require minor fixes to have the same code for Windows and Linux at the same time, you can also tell it whether the toolkit used under the hood on Linux should be QT or GTK
  • Tk
    old, simple (more fancy things need some gymnastics) but simple (easy to use) and supported in Python out of the box (you don’t even need to install anything)
  • QT
    I’m putting it here just for fairness. I don’t like it, don’t like its signal-slot design, I think it’s hogging up too much resources. But last time I used it was ~10 years ago and in the end, it does in fact work

To me it looks like the judge wants something to be seen. Wealthy-and-connected privilege? Maybe even these documents show how deep into the known names this hole runs? Without the ambiguity of “the only documented thing is a dinner”

But I’m not an expert on the issue and judges in general, so maybe I’m misinterpreting something


Illusion — Why do we keep believing that AI will solve the climate crisis (which it is facilitating), get rid of poverty (on which it is heavily relying), and unleash the full potential of human creativity (which it is undermining)?

Because we keep reading sensationalist advertisements presented as articles instead of experimenting with it ourselves, understanding what it is

And unfortunately, this article is also just a response to media clickbait, not a discussion point it tries to look like


In general whatever anyone does to anything, current userbase will 90% of the time be against it. But

“Next, we’ll remove all the action buttons with their superfluous interaction counts from the main timeline,” Musk posted in a subscriber-only post on X in October of last year. “Just view count will show, unless you tap into a post.”

So the main thing will be views. Not how many agree, how many object. Views
And probably it will also become the main analytic datapoint

Shit in, shit out


The whole point of ssh-agent is to remember your passphrase. If you don’t want to do that your problem might be that for some reason ssh client doesn’t pick up your key. Try defining it for the host

Also, there’s -v flag for ssh. Use it to debug what’s going on when it doesn’t try to use your key
