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Can we finally agree on most people denying climate change and go full on ending project humanity and earth til 2100?

I cant stand climate change denyers. It is so hard to speak against such a wild crowd and well the only good thing is that trump is gonna fck his voters soon and I can laugh.

I dont have children and yet I limit my climate abusement to as low as possible and then you have these Leaders.

Come on just blast everything we have and end it soon, best for all


Eat burgers, shoot guns, sit in a local bar and talk with pro maga, drive a pick up truck, go walmart


The joke is they are going to get rid of the non whites that voted for Trump first to atleast get a few videos for the press and please the basic Trump voters.

The reason is because it will not be easy to find the illegals so they gotta get the easy targets first.

My country had that shi.t 90 years ago and 50% of americans voted for this mess my country went through in the 1930s. Don’t feel sorry for the legal immigrants who voted on this and also get deported. Remember you aren’t white.

They should really attache the blue states to Canada and just call it a day. Why even want to be “united” with that cra.p? If I were american and had money I’d def leave the next four years cause this is going to get messy really fast.

50% voted Trump and out of those 50% about 90% are gonna say: “I didn’t know about this” and the other 10% are celebrating far right shi.t


Reminds me of the 8 year old me when I told my mom in advance to not allow a sleep over of her best friends son because he wasn’t allowed to play golden eye on the n64 and I wanted to play that.

The difference is Trump didn’t organize someone to tell Elon for him now he is stuck with that friend til he gets picked up again. Which will never happen Lol.


Sounds like my country about 90 years ago.


The most patriotic thing an american do is vote for someone that is a scammer, racist, sexist, lier,… and really stupid, a tool for his surroundings.


I have one question about the abortion topic.

Why is it such a HUGE topic for republicans? Why not let the individual human choose if he/she wants an abortion?

This is so confusing for me I don’t understand why it is even a topic, like… it’s not my body and just let people do what they want to.

They should talk about how to have safer sex and pills in earlier grades and just keep the option open.

It’s not only that… what if you get raped and just want an abortion? Is that also included?

I am not american, maybe someone can tell me if rape is not included and if you are raped you can still abort though? This whole topic seems off for 2024, this sounds like a 1800s topic.

Sometimes I think america is so advanced and then I read the news and it’s always about pro guns and banning abortions…


Good news but kind of bad that they say this publicly.

The pro of showing support for reproductive rights, building trust and protecting user privacy is great for publicity but I am afraid the downsides will eventually lead to legal consquences, making the whole thing seen even more political than it already is and that it might have a huge impact on their business.

The last thing might sound stupid, but it’s a business. And if you have crazy woman who will not use this because they support the ban on abortions the sells will go down in for example republican states making the company MORE VULNERABLE to changing how they think about sharing data to authorities or not.

And yes america has woman who totally want the government to be in control of their bodies LOL. And yes america has many people who can’t even figure out the name of bordering states. States, not countries. Ask 10 americans and only 5 will know that Canada is directly above (North) of america and Mexico South.

You have Burger King removing the 1/3 pounder Burger because people thought it’s less than a 1/4 pounder Burger cause 4 is higher than 3 making Burger King have less sells on the 1/3 Pounder than the 1/4 LOL.

Sometimes not talking about specific topics is “more” than even speaking about it. Just don’t share data and say nothing, they won’t ask. Most maga’s trumpers won’t ask if you don’t give them a foundation to poop on.

The hilarious thing though is that most abortions are done in California, but only because of abortion tourism (example from Texas). A typicall trumper will now claim this is wrong and say democrats love abortions… This is so sad.

I am neither republican nor democrat, I am german and don’t live in that country but we have trumpers too so don’t worry and hang in there.


War gerade in einer Bäckerei gesessen und habe 2 Stunden lang nichts gemacht außer Loide beobachtet.

Am Mittwoch fängt mein nächster “Nachtblock” an mit 5 Nachtschichten. Bin eigentlich ganz froh, weiß gar nicht was ich machen soll. Hatte jetzt 8 Tage frei und Diablo, Overwatch, Apex wird tatsächlich irgendwann einmal langweilig und alleine bouldern ist schon langweilig. War tatsächlich in der Therme und gefühlt der einzige ca. 30 Jahre alt, alle anderen bestimmt Ü60.

Früher war es kein Problem Leute in meinem Alter zu finden die am Morgen nichts zutun haben, aber nun arbeitet jeder 9 - 4 und haben keine Zeit mehr außer an Wochenenden… so viel zum Thema Work-Life-Balance nur weil man 7 Stunden arbeitet statt 8. Jetzt arbeitet halt keiner mehr Schichtdienst.

Vielleicht kenne ich es auch nicht anders und liege falsch, aber selbst wenn ich keine Nachtschichten hätte würde ich definitiv Schichtdienst bevorzugen. Da konnte man wenigstens vorm Spätdienst was machen oder nach dem Frühdienst um 14 Uhr den Tag genießen.
