For the life of me, I can’t understand how people think Russia is communist. Like, at least the PRC is nominally communist and describes itself as a communist state (even if it’s not really doing communism).
But Russia? The USSR was dissolved decades ago. The Russian Federation never claimed to be communist. Are these people just stuck in the Cold War?
The original Honda Insight from 2001 got 68 highway, 60 city. And it had all the goodies you’d want in a “modern” car like airbags, aircon, heat, 2 relatively roomy seats, etc. Close to the Doodlebug’s best possible mpg with twice the passengers.
Unfortunately, after 20 years of improvement in auto design, material science, etc, the new Honda Insight in 2022 actually has notably worse city /highway mpg from the original, because it’s so much bigger.
I guess my point is all the innovation in the world won’t fix the fundamental problem that people want bigger and bigger cars?
I mean yeah, the Democratic elite seem to have utter contempt for the party base and just ignore polling. Gaza is the perfect example of this. In the lead up to the election, it was abundantly clear that Kamala’s “policy” (read: doing nothing) towards Gaza was tremendously unpopular with the party base. And they just… Ignored it. There are plenty of people who withheld from voting on that issue alone.