

18 posts • 67 comments

(iOS | Web | Unity3D) Developer

the more you get, the less you are.

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Now when you tap the search tab while it’s already active, firstly it will scroll to the top of the results if it’s not already there, otherwise it will activate the search bar. If it is scrolled down, you can double tap to scroll to the top and activate the search bar. And just like before you can long press the search tab while it’s not selected and it will open the search view and activate the search bar.

I’ve found myself accidentally doing this and it not working, but I never got around to adding this feature until now.

I should hopefully have an update out soon, I have a lot of other fixes and some new features just about ready for a release.


No problem, please let me know if you are still experiencing this issue after the reboot.


Thanks for the heads up, this is due to API changes in Lemmy v0.19.4. I just fixed this and I’ll be rolling out an update today.


I haven’t experienced this myself, but my notifications are handled on a separate notification server for testing, so it may be something that only affected the production server. I just restarted both servers because they have been running for nearly a year now without a reboot.

I should have some time this week to look into this further and see if I can’t find what may have been causing this.

Additionally, Arctic does not clear notifications when they are marked as read in the app. I just fixed this yesterday, so the next release will properly clear iOS notifications when they are read in the app.


Thanks for letting me know, I’ll look into this and roll out a hotfix as soon as I can. Looks like we are both on the same instance, so it should be quite easy to debug the issue.

I had surgery today, so the update may take a couple of days. I’m not yet sure how the medication is going to affect my ability to focus.

I need to go through this update and do some more testing. I rushed the release a little more than I had hoped so I could try and get the update out before the TestFlight build expired, so I didn’t test it as well as I usually do.

Anyway, thanks for letting me know about this, I’ll let you know as soon as I roll out the next build.


It’s not dead. I’ve been very busy and have not had the time to work on it recently. I’ve started working on the next update, and I nearly have it ready for the next TestFlight release. I have a dozen or so bugs patched and a few new features done. I’m also hoping to finish up theming support before the next release.

Next month I should have the time to finish up, and release the MacOS build I’ve been working on, along with improved iPad support.

Things should start moving here again. I’m hoping to get back to weekly updates here soon.


My pleasure! I’m not exactly sure what is going on here, I submitted a new build to TestFlight 2 days ago, and it’s still waiting for review. I’ve always had really good luck with the review processes and it’s usually approved within an hour or so even with AppStore releases. I’m hoping it’ll be approved sometime today since the weekend is over.

I was really pushing to have the update ready before this happened, but I was not expecting such a long wait for review.

Anyway as others have pointed out, you can switch to the AppStore version without loosing any settings. Keep your eye out, I’ll be posting here when the new TestFlight version is live.


Yes, I’m I’m working on finalizing some of the new features and bug fixes so I can push out the next release. If needed, I’ll disable some of the new features so I can push out a working build while I continue to work on them. Either way, I’ll have an update out before it expires.


It’s definitely a useful feature. I’m still hoping that this is eventually added to Lemmy natively, as it would be more efficient, and accessible for more users. It makes for a good alternative to following topics such as on mastodon.

It sounds like I should probably find a way to make this feature more apparent though. As it is right now, the UI doesn’t really express that this feature is available unless you’ve already created a community group.


It’s not abandoned. I had a very busy summer and did not have much time to work on it. I’m back at it now and I have a couple big updates coming over the next few weeks. Things should start picking up around here again. I plan to get back to weekly updates, I also have some time off from work next month so updates may be more frequent during that time.
