

20 posts • 102 comments

(iOS | Web | Unity3D) Developer

the more you get, the less you are.

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Thats great to hear, performance has been the primary focus since the beginning.

I will definitely add swipe actions to posts. I’d been holding off because I want to add a custom swipe actions, as I don’t really care for the system swipe design. I would prefer to implement one that triggers the selected action based on how far you swipe before releasing. However, that is low priority at the moment, so I may just go ahead and add swipe actions, and I can focus on the rewrite later.

I’m also excited about comment collapsing. I’ve been testing it out for a couple of days now, an I really enjoy it. I’m excited about v0.2.1 with iPad support, performance improvements, comment collapsing, settings redesign, and I might add in more swipe actions as well.


I’ve been tempted to do that, as I would like to get the user count up. However I wasn’t sure if I should spam that community with update posts. I did cross-post the initial release in !lemmyapps@lemmy.world, and I think I will also post about v0.2.1 over there due to the added iPad support being a big feature.

I’m not really sure where else I should be posting though. It seems that other apps all have a rather large user base, and I’m not sure if Arctic was just late to the party, or if I’m missing something else. Marketing and self-promotion is not my strong suit.


My pleasure, this was a fun update!

I hadn’t considered collapsible posts, I can definitely add that as an option. As for the section index, you have to long-press then swipe to trigger it. I think I will change that in the next release so it doesn’t require the long press to activate.

Thanks for the feedback, I added both of these to my todo list.


Nice, I’m glad that’s working for you. I’m sure you are not the only one that has had that issue, so like I said, I’ll change that in the next update.

Awesome to hear you’re enjoying it! I’ve not spent much time in any other Lemmy apps, so I’m not exactly sure what kind of features they all have. Is there any features you find yourself missing that I could look into adding?


I am also enjoying the new swipe gestures. I’d been putting off adding them in for a while because I thought it would be a real hassle implementing them in UIKit rather than SwiftUI, however I came up with a rather simple solution that only took an hour or so to implement, I was pleasantly surprised.

I’ll be adding more in depth theming options soon, but tint colors were simple enough to add in for the time being.

Glad your enjoying the updates!


I do plan to support push notifications in Arctic, though I’ll need some time to setup a server for this. Unfortunately push notifications will require a subscription modal for Arctic which I have not yet decided how I want to handle that.

I am planning to start working on the server soon, and I’ll likely include the service for free in the TestFlight builds until the AppStore version is released.


Yes, push notifications on iOS require a server running to monitor and send notifications to the device through Apples servers. During TestFlight with a small user base, I can offer this for free as the server cost would be negligible. Once I release to the AppStore, and the user base increases, the server cost will grow and I’ll need to use a subscription modal to cover server costs.

That said, apple doesn’t allow for charging for notification service, so the subscription would need to bundle notifications with other premium features to allow charging for the service. I never planned on charging for any premium service for Arctic, so I need to come up with a modal for this.

Ideally I’d like to keep Arctic completely free, but that is likely not realistic long term.


Glad you’re enjoying Arctic! For comments, this is already a feature, however it does not work very well at the moment due to how small the button and are. It’s very difficult to tap them.

It’s on my todo list to fix this, and I’ll be doing that soon. I have some layout issues to fix in this area and I’ll fix the tappable area while I’m at it.


Glad you like the update!

What I would like to do is allow the user to create templates that would allow them to setup pre-configured notifications that could be quickly applied to any community. These templates would be available from the ellipse menu allowing quick access to community notifications. I’m also working on allowing community notifications editing, so you can tweak notifications after creating them.

I’ll also be looking into Thread Notifications to allow subscribing to notifications about new comments on a post, or a specific comment thread.

I hadn’t considered multi-device notifications. I should be able to allow for this though. I’ll have to do some restructuring of the notification server. That’s a great idea though.


I managed to get this working finally. Arctic now resolves post and comment URLs on the active instance. So far, this seems reliable in my testing. There are instances of dead links, and blocked instances where resolving fails, and it will take some time to add support for viewing as guest on the home instance. For now those cases fallback to opening in the browser.
