
Captain Howdy

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Are those dish pieces opalescent? If so, can someone share the part number? In on mobile the rest of the day so cant search well


Then maybe get a better candidate? I’m pretty sure most sane Americans will vote for anyone not Trump. It’s not that hard, just use another candidate…


I could never put my finger on it, but this guy always came off as creepy and kind of pervy to me. I was not all all surprised to read these recent headlines.


I don’t disagree that gun violence is a huge problem in the US, and we can all agree that we need to have serious discussion about realistic solutions.

But there are SO many more people in the US than in Denmark. It’s not even close. It has roughly the population as Colarado for the entire country.

That’s not to say there aren’t many, many more mass shooting instances in Colarado (I’m using the term mass shooting to mean a person shooting strangers on purpose in a planned attack in a place unlikely to have armed victims like a school, movie theater or gay night club) than Denmark, so I feel it’s a bit disingenuous to compare the whole US to Denmark.

Denmark also has a lot less poverty and better access to healthcare and mental health services as compared to the US.

So I know it feels good to try and make your point this way, but it’s not really the same at all. There’s more to this than guns and “Americans dumb”.


I have never seen this actually happen and I have a lot of experience with gaming with randos (I’m old and I also started a gaming club in college that had over 75 members with at least 15 of them being female). I’ve been playing MTG and D&D at local shops for decades now and I’ve never once seen other dudes simping or fighting over a girl at the table.

Not saying it can’t happen, nerds are nerds and do often lack social skills. But from my experience (and from what I’ve heard from my female gamer friends), this has got to be a rare situation.


If you’re doing it right, containers are less like VMs and more like cgroups. If orchestrated correctly it uses less system resources to run lots of services on a single system/node.

That said, I’m a devops/infrastructure/network professional and not a developer, so maybe I’m missing something from the dev experience… But I love containers.

Docker does kinda suck now, though. Use podman or another interface instead if you can help it.


I’m honestly fine just being a brain in a jar. Give me access to books and film and video games and I don’t think I need a body. Is there a name for what’s wrong with me?


There are huge archives of flash animations and you can install a safe “emulator” for playing flash that even runs in your browser. Look up Ruffle. I can’t remember the name of the big archive site I used, but it didn’t take much googling. I know I was able to find Homestar, Larry Carlson, Adam Phillips (bitey), joe cartoon and salad fingers as well as a ton of games from back in the day.
