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Err… Venus has one of the most hostile environments in the Solar System. A titanium probe can only survive there a few hours.



What did I just attempt to read? Someone’s travel diary?


We pay kids less than adults because I’m guessing kids are more prone to mistakes, need more training, and are capable of less.


I’ve worked with massive customer databases of over a million people multiple times in jobs I’ve had. And while each company has spent tens-of-thousands of dollars in cyber security to protect that data from outside hackers, none have given any fucks at all about who accessed it internally or what they do with it.

I’ve literally exported the entire customer database in two different jobs, dropped the CSV into my personal Google Drive (from my work computer), and worked entire databases at home.

No one has ever known I’ve done it, cared, or checked if I have any customer personal data when I quit.


Aussie subtleties of the c-word.

  1. “Silly Cunt” = funny person (endearing)

  2. “Stupid Cunt” = complete idiot (serious)

  3. “Dumb Cunt” = a good mate acting stupid (jovial)

  4. “This Cunt” = referring to a good mate who’s done/said something uniquely odd (jovial)

  5. “Acting like a Cunt” = acting terribly (serious)

  6. “Don’t be a Cunt” = stop acting terribly (serious)

  7. “Bunch of Cunts” = all your good mates (endearing)

  8. “Good Cunt” = the best compliment you can receive (endearing)

  9. “Dog Cunt” = the worst insult you can receive (get ready to fight)

  10. “Shit Cunt” = insult (serious)

  11. “Bit of a Cunt” = insult (jovial)


How long do you have? Here’s the very brief summary, and full disclaimer, I don’t have dog in this race.

  1. Jerusalem is an important place for both Jews and Muslims.

  2. They’ve been fighting over this space for two millenia. The Roman’s had it for a long time (Christian), the Ottomans had it for a long time (Islamic).

  3. After WW1 and the Ottomans were defeated, it passed onto the Turkish (Islamic).

  4. After WW2, with Britain now in control of it (Palestine) and with the surviving Jews now displaced worldwide with no country to live, the U.N decided to give Jews a new home and call this new place the State of Israel. They put Israel right in the middle of Palestine, which no Islamic nation could object to because they were all defeated in war.

  5. Since then, Jews call Israel their home country. Surrounding Islamic countries don’t recognise Israel and want the Jews to leave.

  6. Islamic nations including Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iran, Syria have all gone to war with Israel (the 6-day War) to kick the Jews out. They’ve all lost because Israel is militarily backed by world powers. Israel is now a military powerhouse and have full control of the region.

  7. Israel allow Muslim Palestinians small areas to live in the area, namely Gaza and the West Bank, but they’re not particularity nice to the Muslims living there. This is the Palestinian/Israeli war that’s been going on for almost a century.

  8. This space is now two main religions crammed into a very small space. Both claim that it’s their ancestral land. Islamic nations don’t recognise Israel as a country. Most of the rest of the world does.

  9. Israel has become a defensive fortress with nukes, and is surrounded by five countries that hate it. No Islamic nation is strong enough to beat Israel. Skirmishes and shit fighting continues. Sometimes it gets serious. This week it got really serious.

  10. This fight will probably go on forever because of the religious significance of Jerusalem which neither the Israelis or Palestinians will ever give up claim to.

  11. So who’s right and who’s wrong? Probably neither. Probably both. Probably humans are just shit.

EDIT: I know there’s lots of missing parts here but honestly, the full story would be a semester of university worth of info. I tried to keep this ultra-digestible, without bias or conspiracy or finger pointing.

Thank you below for the corrections.


I’ve been saying this for years. The internet was better when you had to be a little bit more intelligent than the average person to access it.

Back when you needed knowledge of computers and software, modems, anti-virus, hardware etc, it kind of meant you needed a brain in your head to gain access. I’m not saying that made the internet an overtly-intelligent space, but it was more intelligent and measured than it is today.

As soon a smart phones and data plans entered the game, you could be as dumb as a second coat of paint and gain access with a single button. That opened the flood gates for the stupid. Now the stupid are here en mass and internet is just a dumpster fire full of retards.


Personally, I think every woman should go to jail for keeping her eggs in her ovaries. That’s child imprisonment.

How dare they.


Piece of shit doesn’t contact piece of shit about piece of shit, shot by piece of shit.

