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Maturity really isn’t the same as age: plenty of legally adult people (many already so for decades) around who are anything but mature individuals.

That said, as others here I think the absence of the subtle pressures derived from commercialization and profit-seeking make most of the difference.

Also, I’ve been thinking about the possibiility that both those already in Lemmy before and the Reddit refugees who came in recently, are at the most principled end of the spectrum compared with those still in Reddit (whose principles on the subject of ultra-authoritarian top-down imposition as done in Reddit clearly aren’t strong enough to make them try something else), possibly also more confortable with change. This might make the crowd here at the moment a self-selected bunch leaning significantly more towards a certain psychological profile than the average which in turn (or so is my theory) affects the dominant tone of discussions here.


This kind of Piracy (not to be confused with the whole ship plundering one) is not a crime in most of the World, rather it’s a Civil Law affair, so roughly in the same basket as breach-of-contract.

I suspect the whole “illegal content” stuff is about things like child porn or bomb making instructions, not breach of copyright.


It’s all massivelly dissapointing!

Came here for parrot feeding advice and tip and tricks to deal with phantom pain on the wooden leg and nothing.


I actually have a ton of professional Java experience and have done a lot of microcontroller stuff of late (for fun mainly) and if you go at doing software for ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers the Java way you’re going to end with overengineered bloatware.

It’s however not a Java-only thing: most of those things have too little memory and processing resources for designing the whole software in a pure OO way, plus you’re pretty much coding directly on the low-level (with at most a thin Hardware Abstraction Layer between your code and direct register manipulation) so only ever having used high-level OO languages isn’t really good preparation for it, something which applies not only for people with only Java experience but also for those whose entire experience is with things like C#.Net as well as all smartphone frameworks and languages (Objective-C, Kotlin, Swift).


In decent nations, an EULA is considered an attempt by the seller to, after the purchase, change the terms of the implicit contract which was the sale, so it’s has no legal standing whatsoever.

Absolutelly, the seller can set contract terms before the sale is done (and even then there are lots of limitations to avoid things like bait & switch, so it usualy has to be pretty clear and upfront and there are certain rights that a retail buyer simply cannot loose, even contractually), but never after the sale has been done.

EULAs only have legal standing in a few places, including a few States in the US.


Yeah, but the silly Tech Startup kind of market valuation with the associated crazy P/Es (justified by “we will take over the whole industry” kind of justification) that made them more valueable than all US automakers combined (not just the EV auto-segment, everything) is dissapearing.

Their valuation reflecting the size of their market share (in the entire auto-market, not just EVs which are still a minority of sales) and growth direction (growing mainly due to the EV segment growing and don’t seem to be in line to dominate the whole auto-market as EVs take over) means a massive fall from the fantasy “we’ll take over the world” valuations.

Mind you, it’s happenning more generally in the whole Tech segment as the end of free money which was used in leveraged stock investment is wiping out all the investment strategies based on wild and fantastical claims of “future prospects” and on finding greater suckers.

It’s probably not even a fall due any worst numbers or concrete prospects for Tesla: the collapse of the massive stock price premiums (judging by the P/Es in Tech vs those in the wider market) for “future prospects” in the whole of the Tech industry, would definitelly pull Tesla’s stock price down hard because Elon’s main business “strategy” has always been to frame his ventures as Edgy Tech in order to reap such premiums and he definitelly went hard on it with Tesla.


At this late stage of Neoliberal Capitalism, what’s deemed “economic success” is a measly 2% GDP “growth” and for Germany that can just be from exploiting its access to cheap hydrocarbons from Russia, something which is now pretty much over.

Meanwhile, like everybody else, Germany is suffering the cummulative effects of 4 decades of neoliberalism and its “oh so special” way of managing the Economy (unconditional saving of Financial giants that overextended themselves, like Deutsche Bank, maximizing rewards for asset ownership and pumping up asset bubbles all over the place and so on) not just directly but also indirectly because you’re seeing empoverishment on a per-capita level in the countries to which German companies exported.

I think (all of this is opinion) that the general late stage Neoliberal Capitalism malaise is affecting most western countries and then Germany, thanks to that extra push of loosing the golden goose of cheap hydrocarbons (which was so great for the likes of BASF) is just this little bit worst than most, and after a decade which normalized a few percent of GDP increment as “growth” it doesn’t take much of a “push” to have what is mathematically a large percentual difference in “growth” rates compared to the rest (i.e. when “growth” is 2%, loosing a mere 1% results in half the “growth”).

Last but not least, as we’re living in Peak Bullshit Times when it comes to Politically Important Financial Figures, all of this ends up reported with no sense of proportion so tiny changes in a aggregate figure (not even per-capita) that doesn’t even map to most people’s experience are portrayed as enormously important (notice how in the “good times” we were told 2% was the country “growing”, when that value is statistically within the margin of error of the very processes used to produce those figures).


If they keep up the blockade of water, food and fuel to Gaza, the pictures of emaciated people - little more than skin and bones - dying of thirst and starvation, that will make everybody be shocked at the inhumanity of the perpetrators for the rest of the century, will have come from Gaza with the Israeli as the perpetrators.

Considering that the average age in Gaza is 19, unlike in the pictures that documented the disgusting acts of the Nazis which were mostly pictures of grown men, these ones will mainly have children.


Programmers generally detest to do documentation, so when the user help “UI” is all down to a programmer to define this is often what you get, especially if it’s a small tool.


It’s so that they can deceitfully advertise prices which are lower than the real price.

I believe this is totally illegal in the EU (because they’re obligated to list prices and all charges, fully, upfront and that even includes taxes) but I guess that in the US there are States were it’s either not illegal or has never been challenge in court.
