Oh, this is handy, I specifically avoid these guys.
Not for ethical reasons or anything, just I had these weird frozen meatballs from them when I was like 7 and nearly vomited myself to death in a holiday caravan’s bedroom before collapsing unable to move for an hour, conscious the entire time and simply unable to make my body respond. 1/10, not reccommended.
I remember this advert from the 90s
Just looked it up because I too was unsure of this. There is a Wall’s meats, but they are no longer related. Unilever owns Wall’s ice cream but they sold off Wall’s meats in 1994. The logos are different and the meats one only operates in the UK. So this map is useless for avoiding dodgy meatballs.
Wall’s are the worst ice cream.
I don’t get it.
Unilever‘s ice cream brand has various different names in different countries.
I think most of it comes from buying already established brands and then rebranding them, but keeping their name.
Very interesting. Does anyone know if it’s a case of them buying out local brands in a country, trying to make their brand sound like a local one or a mix of the two?
Kibon in Brazil