Don’t make the same mistake as our generation and fall for TikTok, Instagram and that shit.
Almost everything is better without it, from concerts to weekend trips to relationships.
It’s super sad to see. We used to complain about kids being fed digital “contents” as pacifiers, but now I constantly see older people super fixated with their phone watching tiktok videos. 😔
Computers and their interfaces? Way beyond the familiarity of older folks. TikTok? That’s just rapid-fire TV. That’s channel surfing where every flip is a reward. That’s gambling and standup combined.
It’s kind of insidious.
Based on your comment I tried to get Dalle to generate a combination video slots and social media game.
Limited success. Album shows images generated during the process:
Are you kidding? The 40-50 generation invented falling for stupidity of social media. Talk to 60-70 gen instead.
Okay, try getting past a first date with someone who asks for your “insta”.
Maybe it’s the wrong person if they can’t be with someone who doesn’t use Instagram ;)
There’s no shame in changing your mind, there is no shame in needing help, there is no shame in self improvement, try to love yourself as a whole and work towards changing the things you don’t love.
That changing your mind is so key. Often times people attach personal value to opinions as though they’re related.
The ego gets involved when it should fuck right off.
Sometimes people around them don’t make it any easier. If people around a person immediately show contempt to a person who admits they were wrong, it enforces a microculture where change is going to be harder and more painful than necessary.
This is a real problem with changing your mind.
I can’t believe how many times I’ve been told I’ve changed when I no longer found something funny or said something that I wouldn’t have in my teen years.
One of the longest-running opinions of mine that hasn’t been disproved yet is that many people just don’t really mature or age mentally, it seems; they just grow older, without accumulating much if any wisdom.
You can also love the parts you’re going to change, as you change them. You don’t have to turn off the love to do surgery.
That’s very true. I routinely change the parts of me I love. I try to make them better. I’m a kind and loving person, but I’m trying to change that from a selfless form to a self preserving form. To know my limits and stop pouring from an empty cup.
Burnout is real. Step back for a bit and return rested, instead of abandoning the fight for justice entirely. Taking breaks is just as important as being active.
Don’t be afraid of healthy change and always admit fault.
While some of the shit coming out in our current generation can be stupid or superfluous always take it in context and see how it could be used to better your life.
Ex. Increase in mental health awareness recontexualizes your childhood.
Also listening. Even if the shit coming out of your child’s/younger coworker mouth is some bonkers shit at least listen to them without judgement. Will make any criticism that much better received
Be younger.