That egg is fucked
those dark green spots on the yolk are ferrous sulfide. they happen because the sulfur in the white and the iron in the yolk denatures when the eggs are cooked far too long. it’s safe to eat but the texture of that yolk is gonna be ruined and the white is gonna be rubbery
chalky ass yolk
Came here to say the same shit, that egg is fucked.
Take the egg from the fridge to let it come up a few degrees in temp while you boil some water, put the eggs in the fucking boiling water.
Keep it in there for 6,8,10 or 12 minutes depending on how well cooked or runny you like the yolk, take the eggs out and put it into cold water, I usually just pour out the hot water and replace it with cold water.
There you fucking go, perfectly cooked eggs, every damn time.
5 minutes gives a cooked white and runny yolk, 6 is soft, 8 is hard boiled. 10+ is WTF IS THIS AN OSTRICH EGG?
You need to learn your stove ultimately. Any recipe that says “cook eggs for x minutes for perfect eggs every time” is full of shit because there will be variance
Exceptions: if you cook them in constantly boiling water which is obviously 212F the whole time. This is a nightmare though and will often crack your eggs before they finish. So most normal people turn the heat down a bit once eggs are added, thus variance. Alternative sous vide, which does make repeatable eggs, but sous vide eggs tend to have realllllly loose whites. That’s fine for some things but if I want a proper boiled egg, like for ramen, it sucks. You can blanch them for like 30-60 seconds to set the whites but if I’m going to boil a pot of water anyway I might as well just make eggs the normal way
My egg prep: boil water, add 6 cold eggs, turn heat to 5, time 6 minutes for runny yolk, 6:45ish for gelled ramen egg yolk, 8m for fully set. Once timer is done immediately put into ice bath and let sit in ice bath for at least 15 minutes or so (will be hard to peel if you don’t let cool fully)
I have a shitty cheap electric cooktop though. When I was at my parents house I used their gas stove which puts out serious heat with the same method. Even cutting the time by 1m they were overcooked. You have to adjust to your surface
Can I Offer You a Nice Half an Egg In This Trying Time?
itds me. im eating half of every egg
Every time I get half an egg I feel annoyed that they are so stingy as to only give me half. Especially when you get the worse half, that has only a small part of the yolk in it.
Give me both halves!
One egg. Sharing two strangers.
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