Because those never would falsely identify anything? Because youtube does it so well? Because data isn’t encrypted?
On what planet does this make sense?
I’m sorry I can’t hear you over at the sounds of capitalism not caring about people being hit in the crossfire.
Green line must go up
On the “I dunno how you’ll do it, but you better find a way, bitch” planet.
Frankly something just went wrong in the first place from the very beginning.
They shouldn’t have any input on how infrastructure works. Especially “automated blocking”. You want to sue someone, do that. Messing with infrastructure without a court is just nuts, and if someone’s doing it, I hope there is another guy with Italian ancestry living nearby.
I would like to once again thank the motion picture and recording industry associations for their contributions to both the sophistication of media piracy and the quality of content.
Without their efforts, we would probably all still be playing Russian Roulette on Limewire for a low quality copy of Zoolander. The first person to record a movie on Betamax would probably shit themselves if they could have seen what could be accomplished with some arrogance, incompetence, and blind greed. There’s no doubt that you guys are the real MVP when it comes to promoting media piracy.
The anti-piracy industry couldn’t be more Mickey Mouse if it were run by the Marx Brothers.
Piracy is a service problem.
Provide a good enough service and people won’t want to pirate. Anyone that still does in that scenario probably was never going to be a sale anyway.
Provide a bad service and people who would have happily paid get pushed towards piracy. The more people pirating, the better the tools get as you say.
People just want all their shit in one place for a reasonable fee.
It’s not rocket science, they already were there back when Netflix was new, they just let it get shit.
AKA greed. Why license your content to Netflix when you can have your own streaming service and lock your viewers into your piddly little hoard of content?
Just how many streaming providers are there today? That number likely changes almost daily at this point…
People just want all their shit in one place for a reasonable fee.
One problem with this is that monopolies are bad.
I’m not sure what the ideal solution is. It’s not “12 different services each charging $12/month” though.
I don’t think regular capitalism can really solve this.
It’s not “12 different services each charging $12/month” though.
Add to that content that is geolocked behind a pay wall that isn’t even made avaliable to access in my country.
“So you won’t make it possible for me to pay you for your content… Ok, I’ll just figure it out myself”.
Of course they do. They don’t want to pay for it. They just want it done at no extra cost to them. Just like copyright strikes against internet users.
I worked for a ISP and we started demanding money to roll a truck to hand those shitty things to our customers. We would tell the customer that they have no idea who they are and if they don’t respond they never will. We stopped getting so many strikes. The absolute shittiest ones I spoke with were the ones with the Grateful Dead’s lead singers family trust.
None of them ever paid for us to roll a truck. None of them ever served a subpoena.
Italy did that. No lessons were learned. No fix is in sight. It gets worse every day.
Right, like a router can unencrypt and read what’s on the link. This is just IP blocks which will never work lol.
“Hey there customer, if you want internet access on our network (the only one available in your area), you have to install our intermediary certificate on your machine!”
From having worked in an enterprise environment, there’s a chunk of websites that break when you intercept their SSL connection.
“Oh sorry, looks like we couldn’t decrypt that traffic, those packets went to the burn pile”