Hopefully we don’t have to always be dependent on so many other people and services to have basic dignity and sanitation.
People who live off-grid, van/rv/etc., homestead, etc. lifestyles are pioneering a future where we don’t need services that aren’t likely that great for the environment - such as public sewage, our reliance on fossil fuels to power and heat our homes and electronics, or unsustainable agriculture that isn’t in balance with the environment or even nutritionally-dense.
I am grateful to the people who enable our standard of living to survive with some semblance of dignity, and especially those focused on solutions, so we can get to the point of self-sufficiency, sustainability, and balance in our environment as a species and planet.
I’m so slow, my first reaction was:
What kind of disgusting new behavior are the weirdos getting up to now? Shitting indoors. The very thought of it!
Climate change is erasing those. Now it’s just do shit outside in modest cold
Personally I live in Texas so the only people enabling me are the Oil companies ensuring I never see a blizzard, from Global Warming.
My response isn’t showing because I’m a dipshit: I said:
I’m with you.
I don’t think I meant to delete my comment; I’ve been drinking too.