Kind of a follow up from my question from a few days ago, for me just depresses me and usually I’m working or worried about stuff anyways so I don’t know how to enjoy festivities, plus being eternally alone without a partner makes things even sadder. Xmas is more of a post it of how much my life has failed.
I think the holidays are like most things, for better or worse they mostly enhance whatever mindset you’re in. (With exceptions etc)
Unhappy about life? Holidays probably not awesome in general.
Happy about it? Absolute blast.
That being said, if you want to work towards making things better, the holidays do offer a lot of opportunities!
That’s a nice sentiment on the surface, but it mellows into something slightly toxic.
It’s half materialism and half cult ritual.
Most of the music is annoying, with a strong exception to Transiberian Orchestra.
The seasonal junk food is usually pretty good. The seasonal food-food is just a wanna be Thanksgiving, but still good.
The lights can be pretty, but most of the other decorations look like cheesey tailor-trash shit.
I’d give it a 20-80 like to dislike ratio
Its so American to make your own-brand Christmas a month early then call Christmas food a knock off of that!
I don’t care which one is the knock off of the other, but rather which one is better. Thanksgiving wins the race when it comes to food.
Nope. Just like valentines, fathers/mother’s day, or any of the other “hallmark holidays”. July 4th (US) too. And Thanksgiving, like ugh. “we stole land and murdered the people who were there, let’s celebrate” is just vomit-worthy.
Birthdays aren’t much for me but I make it a point to say hi when it’s a friend’s. “one year closer to death!”, as me and a friend say.
I’ve not-jokingly told people to wait until Feb 15th/Dec 26th/etc if they are hell-bent on buying me something. Thrifty and affectionate? Be still my heart.
Christmas is just commercialized Winter Solstice. Happy fucking holidays.
Fuck Christmas.