Donald Trump has escalated his attacks on the press, filing lawsuits against outlets like the Des Moines Register and CBS over alleged fraud and defamation.
These moves come amid his broader campaign to weaken press freedoms, including efforts to overturn New York Times v. Sullivan, a landmark ruling protecting journalists from frivolous lawsuits.
While some media outlets have caved under pressure, Trump’s critics warn this undermines free speech.
Legal battles and backlash from alleged ties between pro-Trump groups and pollsters could complicate his crusade. Trump remains emboldened by his legal and political maneuvers.
You ever notice that the more informed someone is, the more salient their criticism of the media? Ironic.
He will down every dissenting voice without touching the first amendment and then be like “See!? Look at all this free speech praising me I’m so good. Oh BTW I’m gonna just stay president this time.”
I wonder if the idiots that played the horse race, objective, “both sides” game realize what is happening here.
This never ends btw, right wing always needs an enemy or something to point a finger at. It starts with outside views and dissent, get rid of “others” and non believers. Then once it’s just your cult left, create more infighting. See north korea, you don’t love your country unless you have 20 posters of Trump! 19 is insufficient and you must be a communist! Only blonde men are soldier worthy, your family has bad genes. I know you voted red but you weren’t blonde enough.
It’s so dumb it hurts, we’ve done this before. Just look at the current trump circle, it’s full of infighting and ladder climbing and bus tossing. It trickles down from the top, these are the people making blanket decisions that hundreds and thousands of others will enact onto millions.
In other words, “trickle down” may not work in economics, but it works in authoritarian politics.