Is this a contiguous connection between claimed territories (e.g. Antarctica) and islands part of the EU (e.g. Reunion’s DOM, and French Polynesia’s COM)?
Interesting, but as a seafarer kind of silly as the EEZ and 12 mile limits don’t create any sort of contiguous existence.
The freedom of navigation and international waters make for some interesting viewing though.
That use of blue tho. I thought it was ocean currents for a bit.
Oops, UK shouldn’t be in there 😉
Look here gammon, we only left the EU. We didn’t move the Island to a different continent.
Well yeah, but if this is the continent why the long legs to signify ownership? This justifiably confused me into thinking this was a political graphic incorrectly labeled as Europe instead of EU.
So I suppose this graphic really isn’t showing anything at all, as it’s neither politically or geographically accurate.
Guys, Europe is a continent, based on a tectonic plate or some shit, which partially includes Russia and Turkey.
But this graph is a mess because it somehow combines aspects of both geography and political affiliation.
Bless France
Chose one OP: or just paint continental Europe or land that belongs to European countries.
OP: Yes (does neither of both).