Best old school perk is doing all your stupid kid shit at a time where cameras weren’t ubiquitous.
Or at least not permanent.
I grew up in the early 2000s and while starting somewhere around 2005 cameras and the first social sites became a thing, nothing of that exists today. Myspace and SchülerVZ (German Facebook clone) were super popular, but don’t exist anymore. Camera phones didn’t have an easy way to export photos and most hard drives from back then just died at some point. There’s hardly anything left. And that’s a good thing.
The bikes are non negotiable. Also there’s some sort of bully involved.
That’s absolute bullshit. I’ve never met anyone who turned their bully into a friend while they were still in school together.
I turned an eighth grade (Catholic elementary school) bully into a ninth grade (public jr high) “we’re pretty cool now,” likely because he was scared as fuck to be in this rough public middle school, and I’d been getting bullied my whole life so it was nothing different for me.
I did. Okay, not so much a friend, as a guy who would talk to me regularly and treat me and my friends with respect, occasionally tagging along with us. He’s still in my Facebook friends list to this day.
Back in elementary school there was a kid who was easily twice as big as everyone else. He’d push his way around and demand he get whatever he wanted. He finally crossed me one day, and I punched him as hard as I could right in the stomach. When he stood back up, I did it again. He never crossed me or my friends again, and became generally friendly with us. Bullies don’t concede without force.
Mine tried, I was too nice to tell him to fuck off. He was a conservative shitheel by my high schools standards, and that’s a place I took some shit for voting for Obama (class of '13). I ditched all those fuckers when I went to college and came out though so idk. I hope he got better, I didn’t say hi when I ran into him between my fwb’s place and my classes in college though.
Fine. I won’t be that boy again.
Bikes were, and still are involved. Revo-Lution
Why is the chubby McDonald’s window worker telling me this?
Suspected incel detected. What is it about this image that makes you think she’s poor and overweight?
I’m guessing they meant it as a joke and not about the person in the picture. Kind of like the “sir this is a Wendys” joke. But an overweight person working fast food looking down on people for being born in a different time and living a different life.
Just my best guess.
Edit: Or they are just a troll?