@kiciputek IG
Bomb makeup looks good on everyone. Guys included.
What about girls? 🥺
I think this might be Jessica…and I don’t even know who Jessica is! But this is her!
Some of them peer preasure each other into using a certain amount. It’s kinda brutal to observe and leaves parents confused.
But not too much makeup or they call each other “slut”, fight, it will come up at the parent teacher meeting, but nothing will change.
Het homo omni pan sapphy or poly -sexual, believe it or not, societal pressure to appeal to allocishetwhite beauty standards? Straight up patriarchy
The less it’s for me the more I like it. Good make up is, at best, fraud, Great make up shows a creative personality which will still be attractive when it’s smeared across your pillow in the morning.
Speak for your fuckin’ self, bro.
I’m into very niche fashion. I love it so much, because it’s fun.
Once had a guy, a stranger, completely unpromted, scrunch his face up in disgust and ask “is that supposed to be sexy?” as I was walking past.
Sorry that my fashion choices don’t sexually stimulate you, you wee little garbage pail man.