Horray, we are the point of “actually, a lot of people were as bad as Hitler”.
No, you dickwads. The man murdered 11 million people in 12 years outside of combat action, most of them within the last 5 years of his terror. Thats not counting any of the victims of the war itself: You know, 900.00 People starving in Leningrad alone and so forth. Thats why he is vilified.
Dont know why this reflex to downplay his atrocities is always there.
Oh and i have plenty of hate for the other fucks on that list. And Stalin. And Mao. And Pol Pot. And Idi Amin. And Netanyahu. And Kissinger. Because some people actually managed to dislike genocide as a concept and not just when it hits the people who look like them.
Anyone who implies that all these people with astronomically lower body counts than Hitler are just as bad as him, like OOP.
Leopold was responsible for 1.5 to 13 million deaths. And a slave trade that effected many many more lives than that.
Churchill caused the deaths of 6 million Indians at a conservative estimate
Leopold killed 20 million in the Congo. That’s pretty equivalent numbers
That is absolutely true. It’s also amazing how many people are even unaware of their horrific crimes.
hitler did to europe what europe had done to the rest of the world for centuries
Yes, this is why we all adore the Japanese Empire. /s
It’s fucking ridiculous that we’re trying to “EVERYONE ELSE WAS JUST AS BAD” Hitler now.
“I literally see no difference between the Nazis and the anti-Nazis” - words of the fucking deranged.
No, it’s because Hitler pretty much conquered Europe. None of the other people managed to do that.
Napoleon was from a time when monarchies were still the mainstream. Hitler is post 1848 revolutions and series of reforms that gradually changed perceptions and general education of the populace.
Though Napoleon’s wars caused a large amount of destruction and received appropriate criticism, it was still considered pretty much the norm at that time of imperial dominance.
Hitler on the other hand acted when democracy and civil rights were heading towards full growth. The people’s thoughts and general knowledge were very different from Napoleon’s era.
As a side note, France before and during Napoleon lost most of its foreign colonies. So his wars in large majority had European victims. Yet that wasn’t enough to make him taboo, which means having European victims isn’t the main issue that caused Hitler to be taboo.
Nonsense. Hitler is taboo in EU and US because of the atrocities he committed towards Europeans. Not because they “conquered democratic Europeans”. Americans have done and are doing the same and more towards latin america, asia and middle east without anything close to that condemnation. It’s not about the conquest, it’s about westerners being OK with imperialist atrocity as long as it’s done against the “other”.