MSNBC, CNN, and major newspapers like The Washington Post and Los Angeles Times are softening their once critical stances, citing fear of retribution, business pressures, and audience polarization.
This shift has drawn backlash, with critics warning that neutrality risks undermining journalistic integrity in the face of Trump’s autocratic tendencies.
Meanwhile, Fox News is thriving, reaching record ratings.
As the media faces dwindling resources and public trust, experts argue it must choose between challenging authoritarianism or losing credibility entirely.
They weren’t that critical of Trump in the first place
“Cowards who sanewashed him at every turn taking the cowards’ way out by not reporting true things in hopes to curry favor with the people who will hate them regardless.”
It’s a fail. There’s no battle. You failed at your core job and are plotting your acquiescence.
You failed the people.
This from an industry absolutely whored to the advertising dollar. An ad in your products is a sign of shame for both of you.
The media is not journalism, there is no journalism anymore. It is all corporate entertainment and propaganda. These news outlets don’t report “news” they report the narrative their billionaire owners want to be reported. It’s been that way since they got Ronny’s FCC to repeal the Fairness Doctrine. These fuckers don’t make money if we are at peace, they don’t make money when the economy is good they don’t make money unless the story bleeds. They don’t give a fuck if Trump won or lost or how old Biden is, all they care about is how they will make the most money they can.
Trump is just the next evolution, we have seen it before with people like P.T. Barnum.
That’s my opinion anyway.
Democracy died after being hooded, taken to a black site, suffocated and left in the darkness so that a few billionaire could keep being assholes.
Bold of you to assume that whatever you have over there ever qualified as democracy.
Am not American.
“Democracy dies in darkness”
That is?/was the washinton post tagline.
Just a simple observation on how Jeff bezos sold whatever he may have claimed to be a soul and whatever was left of any semblance of democracy to appease the god-king-emperor.