Silicon isn’t a conductor, it’s a semiconductor. Also conductivity is dependent on temperature, hot stuff usually conducts easier, though some things conduct easier when they are colder. Even at the low voltage it’s more complicated than “Conductors” and “Insulators” we learn in those ultra basic electronics guides online (or in school if you’re lucky).
tcp vs udp
High voltage be like: “Fuck you. I’m gonna make my own wire, with blackjack and hookers (and ionization)!”
SCNR and probably NSFW
So… something weird happened with my phone, and I thought I clicked a link for electricity solving a maze and got this instead and it was… a uniquely confusing experience.
But also weirdly nostalgic for back when confusing things happened on the internet all the time so… thanks?
I don’t know.
Do you know the music video to the song where he wants to go to the gay bar with you? :D
Electricity does not take the path of least resistance. It takes every path available, inversely proportional to that paths resistance.
When the voltage gets high enough, it will literally start ripping molecules apart in order to make its own path.
Also, nice meme, nerd.