As someone who is lazy as fuck about learning art and doing other hobbies but still learning art the part about tracing hurt my soul
It’s even more acceptable to half-ass your job.
They’re paying you the minimum they can get away with, so pay them back in kind.
Hear hear!
When you bust your ass all year for that great review and much needed raise…only to go in for your evaluation and be told, “Great job! Unfortunately due to budget cuts and corporate policy, we can only give you a 1.5% raise, but you’re welcome!”
Don’t tell them, but remember that.
Remember that regardless of the work you give them, they’re only paying you 1.5% more. And that’s not even factoring in information inflation.
At the most generous, you should only give them 1.5% more productivity than it takes to not get fired. If you look at it based on value…the value of your time and experience and productivity against the purchasing power of your take home pay… you’re getting a pay cut vs inflation as their way of thanking you.
As such, cut your productivity, attention to detail, reliability, and shits given by the same amount as the purchasing power you’re earning.
They call it quiet quitting, but in reality it’s the market economy working both ways. If they’re buying less from you, give them less.
I’m an enthusiast amateur photographer with nice DSLR and a few mirrorless cameras. And I shoot a lot on automatic. It’s fine. Semiauto and manual is usually only needed if you have specific ideas about exposure.
Also you can fix soooo many mistakes in the post. When people tell me their cellphone photos look naff, I tell them to just try levels / curves / white balance tools, and those are in every photo editor. Will help a lot.
I love to draw but I have zero artist taste.
I love to paint even though it is usually ugly.
I did a few things a consider interesting but mostly pieces my friends think is made by school children until tell otherwise and I don’t even keep the ones I consider ugly.
But I have fun at painting not I make a beautiful painting.
And I have fun every time I paint even when I put my ugly looking result straight into the garbage bin.
I feel this with reading.
Personally I’ve never understood the flex around how many books someone has read in a year. I mean if you are a fast reader/comprehend-er then you be you. Yet I feel that most people are just reading book after book so they can get to some arbitrary number by the end of an arbitrary time frame.
But, hey if setting a goal of reading x number of books in y amount of time makes you happy - fucking go for it.