Unless your goal is to just get laid, don’t pretend to be anybody but who you are. If your date isn’t happy hanging out with your real self, there’s no future in that relationship.
Talking to women is the same as talking to men. Treat them like people
I heard that Carbon14 was an efficient solution
Don’t try to explain the fediverse
What if we’re both nerds? Do I have your blessing to explain the fediverse in that case?
Guys: Fascinate her with a wheel of cheese.
To be honest, there’s a certain subset of women who love it when guys go full removed. If you are obsessed with cheese, and can talk about cheese with passion in a way to captivate any audience, then don’t hide or downplay it. Literally talk about cheese like you’re a 2am Youtuber and girls will love it.
Can confirm this, the amount of genuine attention I received while losing my mind talking about Warhammer 40k with dates is unbelievable!
Of course, you should probe a bit beforehand. I got lucky and my dates were pretty much all into fantasy stuff, so 40k wasn’t a huge leap, but there was no interest expressed in 40k other than specifically to hear me talk about it.
Edit: I know this is a meme subject, but I’m dead serious about it.