Ooh that’s rough just like that time when you feel like you’re falling.
Drink water. Fix your shitty diet. Eat bananas or sweet potatoes or other sources of potassium. Take dietary magnesium supplements or use the topical magnesium stuff (like Theraworx foam) on your affected muscle groups before bed.
By doing the above, I went from frequently having calf cramps to never having calf cramps.
Someone explained to me that all you have to do is get out of the bed and immediately stand on it and the cramp generally won’t happen or will be much milder. Tested and it works like a charm.
I didn’t know this was common for other people. I’ve always viewed my capacity to cause what should be a sporting injury from lying in bed as a uniquely personally shameful indictment.
or thigh. thighs are bigger. badder.