For me it feels like the only thing your Dems have is that they’re not the others which is not enough
No he fucking didn’t. People voted for Trump specifically. If Trump isn’t running, the political map will be quite different.
Oh, calm the fuck down NBC. A lot of these dopes probably voted for “but my cheap bacon and eggzzz!” and almost nothing else. If the donvict has no magic wand to lower their prices some radical amount, he and his party will be as fucked as ever.
The democrat answer is always to blame & shame the voters, leftists & progressives for their losses.
But what democrats won’t ever do is represent the interests of the people, they can’t. Democrats take bribes from rich donors who have interests that conflict with the voters.
Voters want universal healthcare, rich donors do not. Voters want free college, rich donors do not. Voters want the genocide in Gaza to end, rich donors do not. There’s many more examples, but democrats have to walk a tight rope.
If the democrats cater to the voters, they lose the rich donors. If they cater to the rich donors, they lose the voters. So democrats have been pandering to their rich donors while pushing optics as if they support the voters. But it’s always a lie.
When democrats take power, they implement miniscule change that expires or is easily reversed to appease the voters while still doing the bidding of the donors. But as the voter’s need for change grows, the less that democrats want to win.
Winning means being in charge, which means pressure to implement change. Rich donors don’t want that change, so democrats deliberately lose.
Democrats would rather be a minority party that soaks up donations rather than be the majority party and have to actually govern and fix things.
This entire comment is just pure delusional? You’re claiming Dems never want to fix anything?
Tell me, who the last Republican to leave office with a good economy according to the general public? And we’ll start there.
Bullshit news. If you look at the boring stats, trumps vote is up a bit on 2020 but the dems vote is down massively.
This was not a big breakthrough for Trump, he made small gains in lots of countues and some groups. But the main issue was a bad Democrat campaign which failed to get people out to vote.
In 2020: Dems 81m votes Rep 74m
In 2024 (95%+ count) Dems 70m Rep 74m
The dems lost 11m votes in 2024! The reps so far have gained none, but probably will be up 1-2m in the end.
So this idea of some great Republican breakthrough is rubbish. The real story is the Dems lost a lot of votes.
If they’d had an open primary and a fresh candidate, or if Biden stepped down sooner and they had an actual contest to pick a successor, or even if Harris had been able to run her own campaign from scratch, they may have had a chance.
The dems lost this election because the DNC backed Biden against all voices who raised concerns about his fitness. When they finally relented it was too late. Then they ran a campaign around abortion and democracy, rather than the number 1 concern of those who did vote: the economy.
The lesson of this election is NOT that Trump has the answers or has made some breakthrough. The lesson is the dems ran a bad campaign and did not offer the voters something good to vote for - 11m voters disappeared - that’s who the dems should have been targeting, not the “never trumps” and going more right wing.
The polls said the country was tied 50:50. This is bullshit - polls only showed “likely voters”. The raw numbers actually showed 1/3 support dems, 1/3 support reps and 1/3 weren’t going to vote. The none voters are who the dems should have been targetting - they’re not never voters because 11m went missing from the election!
The dems lesson is very simple: target the disenfranchised voters with positive Democrat policies. Don’t try to be more Republican to beat the republicans, it doesn’t work and will never work.
They won in 2020 because those 11m came out to vote angry about Trump. The dems didn’t give them a reason to vote for them this time.
They must learn this lesson as they seemingly did not understand what happened in 2016, nor even 2020.