Super Mario Bros (1993) is this movie for me … it’s weird as hell and it’s adherence to the source material is … iffy at best … but god damn if it wasn’t a fun ride!
Then you read about how everyone hated the directors so much they literally got drunk on set and openly wore custom made shirts with slogans about how bad the directors were AND Bob Haskins was in a cast for most of it for an injury on set and it gets even more fascinating! The Directors poured hot coffee on people and just openly belittled everyone. It’s insane!
Not as extreme as the case in the OP, but I’m often surprised how “meh” a reaction Don’t Look Up got. Maybe people think it was heavy handed? Too on the nose? I don’t know but most folks seem to think it was at best merely “okay”.
For me, I place it next to Idiocracy as one of the most prescient films about what is in store for us. I think after this last election day, it seems even more prescient. On top of that, it is legitimately funny with really good performances, especially from Jennifer Lawrence.
Yeah, in my case this one was too close to home for me to love it. 10 or 20 years ago I probably would’ve felt differently. Similar for Idiocracy, I don’t think I’d feel the same way about it if it came out today. Kinda chilling when I think about that, honestly.
Yeah, I’d call it heavy handed. It felt like it was a message first. Not as bad as the Daily Wire stuff, but going down that road. Even if I agree with the message, it felt contrived.
Just my two cents though.
That’s what I saw on reddit only for a week later to see someone argue that it’s not about climate change because it’s literally about a meteor.
So there you go, you probably weren’t the target audience
it makes sense to me. if the movie was supposed to be about climate change, why wouldn’t they make it about climate change?
is that something people do? make a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification?
I’ve gone over it again and again and again in my head and I still can’t make sense of it. He’s a three-star general. He works at the Pentagon. Why would he charge us for free snacks?
This part had me absolutely rolling. I loved that movie.
It suffers from the “Reality is Unrealistic” trope. Seems so on the nose and heavy handed, yet is literally exactly how it would happen (and is arguably already happening).
Being so on the nose, to me, is part of the joke.
So obvious its blinding, and unrealistic. Just like reality lol.
I couldn’t watch it, not because it wasn’t good but because I was constantly getting unbelievably depressed about how accurately it mirrors the world today. Every scene had me thinking “this would be funny if it wasn’t exactly how it would actually pan out.” I think it might be hilarious a few decades after this all blows over but right now it hits way too close to home.
It’s been a long time I got as visceral of a feeling as I got when watching that film and Leo’s character’s meltdown as the impending doom is happening an noone seems to be giving a fuck
As a kid, I couldn’t believe how funny Wild Wild West is
I think it did.
But I grew up watching the TV show, and others like it (Get Smart), and appreciate the style of humor.
I think the divide on this is knowing what that genre is about, and some people just don’t appreciate that kind of humor.
I get it, I like these movies/shows, but don’t like the 3 Stooges.
Me too! I saw it in theaters and cracked up the whole time. Haven’t watched it again since then, but I did listen to an interview with the director who essentially disowned the movie. He said something to the effect of: “the couple of moments that were cute were not worth the overall quality of the film.” He said Klein and Smith had no chemistry. He also basically confirmed the Will Smith MIB fart rumor in the same interview.
He also basically confirmed the Will Smith MIB fart rumor in the same interview.
Say what now?
I have a friend who recommends literally every single thing he watches. He’ll watch the stupidest movie in the world and be like “wow, that was awesome!”. I envy how much enjoyment he can receive from terrible movies and TV shows.
I’m that friend, except I’ll preface it with “You know I like a lot of garbage movies, but…”
I loved Equilibrium and was surprised it wasn’t rated as good.
I’ve never met a person who I know has seen it but doesn’t like Equilibrium.
…And it’s at a 7.3 on IMDb. That’s a pretty good rating.
Huh that’s interesting. I kinda remember it not being that well received at the time. It did get a cult following over the years so maybe the IMDb rating has gone up since then?
It flopped at the box and was regarded as a ripoff of the matrix’s aesthetics by critics. But it was well received by home audiences. I remember it fondly as a quick to syndication movie. It definitely has some lows in quality at points and the plot could’ve been stronger. But its highs were very solid.
I cried harder at that dog scene in that movie than any other movie ever. Even right now I’m tearing up thinking about it. It may have been in part because I watched it alone so I didn’t feel the need to filter myself at all and there wasn’t anyone to comfort me. Fuck, man. Fuck.
But yeah, apart from that, I liked it too. It’s a bit cheesy, sure, but I really enjoyed a lot of it. I thought the gun stuff was cool. I forget the name they have it. Gun Kata or something? Like when they’d slide into a pitch black room and just shoot all around them. That was cool. It’s such a cheesy thing but so cool lol.
It’s one of the films I keep going back to in my mind. So clever. The way it makes one root for the main character and the emotional uprising, only to be, in the end, made aware of the awful things emotions can do. The ending makes you reconsider whether the unnatural emotionless society at the beginning could actually be a preferable solution despite the imperfection. It’s so good.