Easily. Trump would be worse, and any vote not for Kamala is effectively a vote for Trump. If you think otherwise you are deluding yourself.
No amount of endorsement or support will ever stop the democrats from shitting on bernie. Bernie doesn’t even want to replace capitalism, he wants to save capitalism from itself. But even that is way over the line for blue conservatives.
Bernie doesn’t even want to replace capitalism, he wants to save capitalism from itself.
Roosevelt style liberalism only works when you have a full blown leftist movement to triangulate against. Sanders doesn’t have anything like that to leverage. There is not Eugene Debbs running from prison with a million voters backing him up.
Of course, it should be noted how much Harris lags Dems in every swing state. He’s really hauling dead weight here. And it’s not helping his own popularity.
It is of my opinion that individuals that don’t vote in the upcoming election are complacent to the atrocities occuring.
I feel that this occupation is just repeating every few years since '87.
Stand against genocide by compromising on genocide! Trust me bro, you don’t understand politics like I do.
When will Dems give up this elitist gas lighting. It’s starting to get embarrassing.
Normally anybody who says “you’ve only got two choices” is an idiot.
Or, they could be describing a democracy crippled by first past the post:
Watch the video, it’s six minutes, fun, informative, and changes things. It’s so central that without this video’s info as the centerpiece of the discussion, the discussion really is not happening. We need ranked choice to get third parties.
The phrase “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” was coined to mock the sort asanine bullshit that grifters spouted, and eventually those same grifters started to use it unironically and without any self-awareness.
Interesting to see “trust me bro” get the same treatment.
Are the Trump supporters in the room with us now? Is the entire UN assembly grifters. Liberals are so disgusting, children are being slaughtered an masse by my tax dollars but all you care about is how Trump will make you personally uncomfortable
AOC had a similar response on Pod Save America.
You win political influence by being a crucial part of a win. You lose political influence if your political opponents are in office. The best chance to have your voice heard on Israel is being a crucial part of a Harris win.
That is the calculation.
AOC calculations indicate that she supports corporations over the rail union workers.
I would recommend folks watch this 20 minute video on Rules for Rulers from CGP Grey.
Despots, Presidents, CEOs, Deans, Homeowners Association Presidents, the guy who runs the open mic- at the end of the day they have to follow the same rules to maintain their power. The zero’th rule in the video is “without power, you affect nothing”.
I’m voting for Kamala, and I’m voting down ballot for any pro-palestine candidate. I want to send the message that in order to get reelected, she will need to change her stance.
When I see people not voting out of protest, they are giving their opposition the influence over their elected officials. Remember, they work for you, and voting is how you let them know what you want.