Some of the many species Jeffrey Combs has evolved into:
Women, don’t marry men who won’t take your name. That’s a wall of separation he wants to keep between you. It won’t be the only one.
I took my wife’s name when we got married. I hate my family and intended to change my last name anyway. Her family is awesome. It was an easy choice.
I’m assuming you’re a man, and that’s great! I’m also taking my wife’s name but I’m a gay woman so it’s not as awesome lol
And don’t marry a man who insists you take his. That’s a wall of control he’s building around you and he won’t stop until he’s separated you from everyone and everything you love. Marry the man who accepts it’s your choice to decide, along with every other decision about yourself.
If you haven’t yet, some day you’ll find your Mr. TheDead (if that’s your thing)
There are lots of reasons for women to keep their maiden name. In the case of my wife, she had two good ones:
She didn’t want to become disassociated from her scientific publications.
She didn’t want to complicate or redo any immigration paperwork.
Also some names just sound better. And some names go better than others with some surnames
- Who cares
I’ll admit when I was in my early 20s, it was a point of contention with one girl I was dating. I was young and stupid, my mom took my dad’s name, etc.
But by 30, wiser, less prone to drama, I was solidly in the “who cares, do what makes you happy” crowd.
My wife kept her last name. It’s easier, and less confusing for her clients and networking.
Grow the fuck up. Stop being so needy and insecure. It’s a bad look.
It’s heart warming to see Jeffrey Combs is an incredible actor with good taste in the company he keeps. It’s exciting seeing him vocally shouting down the fascists.
I read the comment in his slimy “Brunt- FCA” tone the way he addresses Quark. I loved him already but seeing this just makes him so much more respectable and admirable.
Heartwarming is a lovely way to put it.
My fiance and I are considering creating a brand new last name that we both take.
Hot tip, change HIS last name prior to the wedding and she gets the name change free.
I know a couple that waited until after the wedding to do that and the husband changed his name, then the wife was given the option of keeping her old name, or switch to his old name.
She ended up having to go through the entire name change process without the benefit of the auto-name flip from the marriage.
I’ve known other people who do that.
I just feel like any name change that you don’t need (i.e. you’re transitioning) is just more bother than it’s worth.
Yeah, that’s what we are running into. The marriage forms here in NC make it simple to take the husband’s last name as part of the process, but any other kind of change requires a lot of crazy, expensive, and time consuming steps.
I think it’s safe to say that Walsh knows a lot about women maintaining “walls of separation”. Maybe even restraining orders.