By that I mean basically unexpected oases in your life where and by whom you feel nurtured and restored and just safe in the moment?
For me, it was a woman at work who became like a mother to me and I’ll think a bit more about physical spaces but that is a very important aspect also
Try not to say your home space cuz that should be a given. Think outside the crib
Lake Michigan. The dunes are made of the softest sand and some of the most beautiful parks are along the lakeshore. I remember going one winter with some friends and it was probably one of my favorite trips. Honestly, I don’t really remember my friends much, but I remember how crisp the air was. Some of the ice on the lake had cracked and ran into more ice, forming ridges. The night was so silent that you could hear it groaning. For a moment, we were the only people on Earth.
Two people (that I rarely get to see) plus my cats.
As far as places go I like my room but I get bothered there too, so probably the cat corner in the cellar or some places I’ve made nice experiences during events.
The intro theme to Cheers.
Taking a kayak out into one of the local waterways on an early morning. We have a few canals that run through a nature area on the outskirts of the city. Around that time no one is yet on the water and I can just glide peacefully past the water lilies and other plants. The silence is so soothing. Everything just seems to live and breathe all around me.
It’s great until about an hour later, when some of the locals use their motor boat to put-put-put down the canal, stinking up the place with their exhausts :P
I have a little spot out back. It’s small, and at the base of a woodsy hill. My bird feeder is back there, a swing chair, some crap speaker from work and a little fan for when it’s hot. I started going out there just to smoke, but now I really look forward to it. I even invested in furniture risers. I’m tall, but always wanted to have my feet swing again like I was a kid. Now I get to do that and be high. 👍🏾