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20 posts • 471 comments

Dusty old bones, full of green dust.

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Yes, I was terrified, but I was also having a mental breakdown. I called my mom sobbing and she was actually the one who told me to quit. I was lucky that she was around because I leaned on her for about two months.

If you can, look for a job, even if it’s gig work, before quitting. I know it sucks, but finding a job will be your new activity. In the mean time, switch to the bare minimum. Take longer breaks, use sick time, etc. Don’t burn any bridges. Spend time making a really nice resume/cover letter. Maybe even see if you can use some work resources before you tell them you’re out.

If you can’t stand it a second longer, I would sit down and see what you have and how long you can last. Finding a job without a residence (in the US anyway) is difficult, so I would not do anything that would leave you homeless. Let people around you know if you have such people. Tell your friends, parents, etc., so they know that you may be needing support. Do not tell anyone from work until you’re ready to go. Make a budget. Make one for if you have literally no money coming in so you can see the worse case scenario and have that be your starting point. You may even want to look around for food banks and so forth, especially churches during this time of year. It may not be everyday, but they do dinners more often in the winter. Write them down or save them somewhere that odes not require internet/service.

Good luck. I wish you you happiness.


The fact that they’re micro apartments is telling.

  • People who take phone calls with it on speaker
  • People that have anything on speaker while in a public place
  • Wearing “MAGA” clothing
  • Having a cyber truck
  • Leaving large gaps in the drive thru queue
  • People with young children that they dress up like little adults.
  • People who refuse to learn basic tech (email, texting, etc.)
  • Edit: People that don’t like animals, or they dislike just cats. I feel like people who don’t vibe with animals in some way are… Off.

damn, I’m a judgy bitch


This shit is frustrating, but I just can’t waste any time on them. They try to make their indecision into something moral, but I think it’s just fear. Like deer in a headlight. The world and it’s realities are coming at them at a break neck speed and they’re terrified, so they do nothing. They tell themselves that it’s better to fall into facisim than putting on your big girl panties, growing up, and doing what needs to be done. Vote today, protest tomorrow. And the day after, and the day after that. Write your representatives, call them, bother them, go to their offices, let them have no peace. But do not delude yourself if you’re too scared for that. Throwing your vote away is helping anyone but your ego.


What always get me is that they don’t want you to talk to each other. People get in trouble all the time for that. They want you doing something more productive, this isn’t a social club, etc., etc. Either they want to micro manage you or your building is losing money being empty. That’s it, those are the two reasons they want you back.


My high school teacher told us it was “state’s rights.” Like, went out of his way to say it wasn’t slavery. I looked it up to confirm it and of course it wasn’t true, it was absolutely about slavery. I googled damn near everything he told us after that.


Like this is going to be the thing that turns off the Maga’ts.
