14 points

This runs in parallel to tribalism and being part of an “in” crowd. Some people are so bound by their tribalism that they’ll stare at facts and cry that it’s not true because their tribe told them differently; they will reject the facts to continue to be a part of the tribe.

To them, being “in” is more important than being right, or even being logical.

Tribalism can take all sorts of different forms, from politics, to your local sports ball team. Even religion is a form of tribalism.

When everyone you know is a part of the conservative/republican/christian/whatever tribe, even if you don’t agree with any of it, it’s difficult to face the consequences of being ostracized or excluded from the only tribe you’ve ever really been a part of, by following what your mind and heart actually believe. In time, you might actually convince yourself of the bullshit you have to say you believe, in order to maintain your status in the tribe.

Tribalism is a survival trait. It’s what has divided us into nations, countries, states, provinces, cities, towns, etc. Looking back, if we need to do something that will screw over the survivability of the neighboring village, so that we can ensure the continued prosperity of our village, then the answer is yes, do it. It’s rewarded to be greedy and selfish in those circumstances.

Tribalism in the form of villages and towns like that is basically non-existent today, so instead we divide ourselves along other boundaries for what tribes we partake in. Whether that’s religion, sports teams, political ideologies, conspiracy bullshit… It doesn’t really matter, the tribes are all still present, they’ve just taken a very different, more abstract form.

All of the MAGA hats, Trump flags, big trucks rolling coal on “hapless” EV drivers… It’s all just parading around your tribes colors, announcing your affiliations so others will know (the same way that marine vessels sail under a countries flag, or an army marches carrying the flag/colors of a country or whatever). All this showboating is the same as a peacock trying to attract a mate. All these fancy colors, and not a hell of a lot more going on.

They’re baboons waving their big red buttocks around so everyone knows their butt is more red than yours.

1 point

That’s why the Kremlin uses tribalism to divide people through its social media disinformation (aka fucking up people’s cultures)

233 points

The last time Donald Trump was President of The United States of America, a viral pandemic emerged out of China, he did not stop flights coming in, he did not enact the war powers to manufacture PPE for our first responders, health workers, or public, he eschewed the use of ventilators, and openly mocked those who wore masks.

A Million fucking Americans perished from COVID during his Presidency, the largest per capital, and total of any nation on gods green earth.

What’s happening is not the result of misinformation, it’s informed self immolation.

Republicans realized they cannot win on their arguments, so they wish to burn it all down, themselves and their children included.

89 points

Yep. Per the article:

But what feels novel in the aftermath of this month’s hurricanes is how the people doing the lying aren’t even trying to hide the provenance of their bullshit. Similarly, those sharing the lies are happy to admit that they do not care whether what they’re pushing is real or not.

38 points

Yeah but at least he was able to send free COVID tests to his Daddy Vlad when supplies were short and Americans were dying.

60 points

Free COVID testing machines. Not just disposable tests. It’s way worse than what was initially reported.

8 points

I’m against the death penalty and I hate these posts that compare to Hitler but hear me out.

Though the US and world death toll in covid wasn’t entirely Trump’s fault, he was a major, if not the largest, contributer to it being that high through his actions and inactions. He lied about it, dismissed it, made it appear to be no-risk, egged his followers on to ridicule, hate, and threaten those that tried to protect themselves and their families.

Millions died. How many of those were needless deaths? How many were thanks directly or indirectly through the actions of orange dipshit clown? I think his death count is (obviously) lower than Hitler’s, but I think it’s in a similar range. I think he thinks about the deaths he caused in. A similar way that Hitler did, those that died were nothing, worthless.

If I murder more than two persons in the US, there is a good chance I get the death penalty. Trump willingly caused the deaths of millions just.tonfuether his political career. Why isn’t he on death row?

I guess the quote “one death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic” is real indeed.

8 points

I relatively yearn for the days where it was only crazy trump supporters getting covid wrong, as opposed to tons of formerly sensible people joining them in pretending it went poof because we got tired of it, or that it suddenly became not enough of a problem to warrant massive action.

4 points

You forgot the part where they were literally given a pandemic playbook and they choose to actively ignore its existence, with some republicans even claiming it didn’t exist.

3 points

How is there any hope against misinformation when the top comment on a thread decrying misinformation contains major misinformation itself? Specifically, way more Americans have died of COVID under the Biden administration than under the Trump administration.

Just one source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2024/09/18/covid-19-deaths-under-trump-1-million-fact-check/75197222007/

Granted, the Biden administration has had a lot more time under the COVID pandemic than Trump had, but the Biden administration has handled COVID in a very far from ideal way (see all the CDC missteps under Biden, for one example).

Please note: I am not a Trump supporter! I am only interested in truth, reason, and reality. Downvoting my post is a sign that you’re not interested in any of those.

14 points

Granted, the Biden administration has had a lot more time under the COVID pandemic than Trump had, but the Biden administration has handled COVID in a very far from ideal way (see all the CDC missteps under Biden, for one example).

Not only did it have more time under it, but it also inherited a public that was much more threatening toward anyone attempting to advance COVID control measures, including common sense ones like masking indoors.

The utter lunacy that polluted the public square during the late 2020 - early 2021 time frame caused a lot of the deaths that happened under Biden’s early days to be in the category of being completely preventable but a large portion of the country had been fed bullshit for a year that told them to resist every possible preventative measure.

7 points

A lot of that is fair, except that it wasn’t just Biden’s early days. The mishandling of the COVID pandemic continues to this day. It’s been a clusterfuck from the beginning under Trump to the present under Biden. The US doesn’t seem to be that unique in that regard though. It seems like it’s been a clusterfuck around most of the world.

2 points

Do you remember when the media had a fit about Trump being racist for blocking the flights to countries with high covid rates? How about the two weeks after he announced operation warp speed to develop a vaccine and everybody swore up and down that they wouldn’t take Trump’s vaccine? Trump bears a lot of responsibility for the toxic political culture, but it wasn’t just him.

-14 points

To be honest the other politicians around the world talked a big talk but they also failed to deal with the pandemic as it should have been delt with.

-45 points

Meanwhile the Cuomo was on the news every night talking about the need to balance human lives with “The Economy” and as soon as democrats were in power, they ended covid measures and testing.

Prioritizing short-term profits over human lives was a bipartisan effort.

Edit: NYC Governor Cuomo, not that he and DeBlasio weren’t competing to show how much they were doing to balance safety and the economy.

16 points

Thanks for the trollaganda…

-2 points
Deleted by creator
13 points
-6 points

Bipartisan. A casual google news search for 2020 shows Cuomo talking about how awful it was that Trump was reopening the economy in May, and how we need to open the economy in April.

But he was also on CNN nearly every night, saying we need to get back to work and reopen as soon as possible, but in a good way, unlike Trump who wants to do the same thing, but in a bad way.

3 points

You named one guy. Come on dude. So fucking disingenuous.

-3 points

Did you miss the democrats declaring covid is over for real this time, not like when Trump said it, stop wearing masks and ending testing and other protections shortly after they got into power?

75 points

yeah its called capital accumulation, here’s how it works:

A cabal conservative institution of international rich people don’t want to pay taxes on their enormous wealth so they’re spending some of their money to prop up nazis, religious freaks, and insane conspiracy theorists to drown out common sense economic policy and pin the blame on minorities and a departure from religious orthodoxy.

Obviously persecuting people on these grounds makes the situation worse and people don’t want to be the next scapegoat so they fall in line (face eating leopard logic, etc.) but because we’re removing the most exploitable workers from the economy the economy spirals, creating the need for more scapegoats. Fascism in a nutshell.

In the long term its self destructive to every society that allows it but in the short term they get another hour of power.

14 points

The slightest bit of material analysis exposes the whole thing, but the minute you add “Marxist” to that sentence everyone shuts their brain off because of over a century of red scare nonsense. As designed.

13 points

the minute you add “Marxist” to that sentence everyone shuts their brain off because of over a century of red scare nonsense. As designed.

Which is a real shame, because collectivist systems are the only way we can survive long-term on this planet. Collectivist systems allow us to pool resources and consumption, allowing more people to subsist at the same level of comfort while using far less.

One of the biggest scams ever perpetrated on humanity (other than religion, that is) is the adoption of an economic system that demands infinite growth on a finite planet. In the real world, such as when looking at population dynamics, these systems always lead to catastrophic collapses that eviscerate that population and frequently produces long-term damage to the local ecosystem that prevents said population from easily recovering. Or recovering at all, if we’re talking about a species of megafauna (over 45Kg, on average).

Most megafauna that significantly overshoot go extinct, and humanity entered overshoot at the 2B population point early last century. With how we have damaged the ecosystem, the planet’s natural carrying capacity has probably declined to less than 1B humans. This is particularly concerning because any end-stage economic crash (via the chaotic weather of climate change) will lead to a population crash (with the failure of agriculture at scale and the international trade that supplies us with 90+% of all food), and will also destroy any ability to produce and maintain the technology that allows us to artificially exceed the planet’s carrying capacity via agriculture at scale. I would be very surprised if humanity still exceeds 2B people by the end of this century.

7 points

You’re preaching to the choir here, friend. I’ve been trying to shake people on the shoulders and get them to understand this for a while now.

5 points

And let’s not forget that lies are a lot cheaper to create and spread than the truth. They even propagate themselves, or rather, people will do it for you, in their free time, expecting nothing in return. They’ll spin and develop them further and further, just like that. It must totally make sense for any top capitalist to harness this free energy.

4 points

Top comment here. I was thinking along very similar lines in my commute to work this morning. The polarization that never ends or decreases seems to me to be purely a tool for rich elites to divide and conquer the general population.

The only minor asterisk I would add to your post is that I have personally been trying to avoid the term “cabal” because it can be accused of being an antisemitic dogwhistle. I don’t think you meant it this way, but wanted to alert you to that possible interpretation. In fact, I heard something a little while back that some people even claim that decrying “elites” in general is antisemitic. I don’t agree with this, but I think it’s a good idea to keep this in mind to try to prevent that line of attack.

3 points

That’s a fair point. The race science freaks are always trying to distort these things when in reality its usually like a conservative media, religious, or academic institution that facilitates and coordinates these projects: the federalist society, opus dei, the heritage foundation, fox news, xitter, etc.

75 points

Elon Musk, who owns X, claimed—without evidence—that FEMA was “actively blocking shipments and seizing goods and services locally and locking them away to state they are their own.

Oh, you mean like how the orange turd’s administration in 2020 was legitimately very literally seizing shipments of critical PPE in 2020 at the height of COVID and selling it to fellow grifters for them to auction off to hospitals?

15 points

Your use of “legitimately” might be construed by some as “acceptably”

10 points

Only because he sold off all the emergency reserves (and never replaced it) when he took office

Well, and also to enrichen himself, too. Obviously.

7 points

Don’t forget about tossing paper towel rolls to people, while restricting actual emergency supplies.

5 points

This isn’t fair!

He also gave plenty away to Putin.

72 points

What is the common thread that links almost all of these crazies? I mean, even more than religion.

Conservatism. Almost all of them vote for, or are elected representatives of, conservative parties.

And conservatism encourages divisiveness and bigotries like this. To be suspicious of and actively hate others, to find “evil” where none exist. To believe in falsehoods even when they have been demonstrably debunked.

Conservatism of all stripes is fundamentally evil. Conservatism is what will destroy civilization, and eventually, humanity.

29 points

I think it can be further boiled down to a belief that hierarchies are either necessary or good. All of the evil are cases where those higher up in the hierarchy impose their will on those lower.

Under those beliefs, the meaning of things like “respect” and “good/bad” are different than when one believes that everyone should be considered equal. The politeness version of respect is for equals, when they aren’t equal, respect only needs to go one way and if it’s sent the other way, it’s more “effective management” and not giving respect “downwards” then boils down to a different management philosophy rather than simply being an asshole. They can even acknowledge that it is an asshole way to treat people, but there’s an underlying belief that it’s ok to be an asshole to lessers.

It also makes the whole “they believe in things that hurt themselves” make more sense. They just believe that those higher than them in the hierarchy deserve better treatment. Maybe there’s an element of hoping to get there themselves one day, or maybe there’s an element of just feeling like they are inferior to those they agree are their betters.

This is why they don’t really care if Trump is consistent or if he’ll help them directly. It’s also why his support is wavering, because if he’s not strong enough to win, then he isn’t really their better and is just fooling them, which also helps explain why the ones who have tried to take his life seem to be former followers because they can’t be neutral about him, it’s either gotta be love or hate.

It makes sense that those who believe in it and those who don’t would be at odds with each other because the two beliefs are very incompatible. I’m not sure there is a resolution. It used to be “just don’t talk about politics, keep it private”, but that wasn’t sustainable as each side of the divide wanted to push for improvements under their belief system.

7 points

This is such an excellent and rational explanation. Thank you!

So how do we reprogram people to see hierarchies as evil and destructive outside of true crisis situations?

3 points

You don’t. The answer is always, without exception, going to be violence in the long term. It is the only permanent equalizer that is able to forcibly impose large scale social reorientation. At the most basic level the social order of government systems, regardless of form, are an agreement about who controls the monopoly on the use of violence. Given where we are currently at as a culture I don’t think that bodes well for the future because we are treading a very thin line with giving inmates control of the asylum.

18 points

People shit on religion, but it’s rarely a problem until it’s conservative.

You’ve hit the nail on the head.

Conservatism is the mistake of assuming outright that people are evil, and therefore need to be punished and conquered into being good, or at least restricted. Where the reality is people aren’t quite good or evil, they’re more marbled, and if you buy the conservative misunderstanding, the punishing and the conquering are morally good, whereas stopping them is bad. What conservatism won’t acknowledge or doesn’t see is that when you grow, encourage, support, and develop the good parts, you can safely drop a large portion of the punishment and conquering stuff.

Most of what conservatism is defending itself against is its own way of doing things.

13 points

Conservatism is “outgroups to bind, in groups to protect”. It’s pretty bad.

7 points

And conservatism is fundamentally hostile to democracy, as well. It gravitates naturally to oligopolies, monopolies, autocracies, dictatorships, and despotism.

I mean, just look at Trump and Project 2025, to say nothing of past conservative behaviour involving gerrymandering and other shenanigans.

8 points


Have you ever met conservative atheists? I have and SOME of them have been the most hateful and vile people I ever met. It’s like without any form of religion holding them back, you obtain the “purest form” of conservationism.

9 points

Some people think with no god, that means it’s actually on humanity to take care of each other.

Other people think that with no heaven, better make this life count and fuck all y’all bitches, carpe deez nuts. Every man for himself. (Not women though because those aren’t people).

-3 points

That sure is a divisive opinion…




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