self-explenatory 🦆
(Not my art)
I had to.
Gondor, stop burninating the countryside!
Ok fine, I’ll give you a cookie too…
If you haven’t checked in years is pretty much fully functional again thanks to the Ruffle Project
You stop that. Stop that right now. We will not bring trends from that other site here, no matter how well executed that are.
I officially decree that this needs to become a viral meme, Lemmy let’s do what we’re good at and pound this horse into paste
That dragon is based on Trogdor, which is 21 years old now! He’s old internet culture, so he’s already gotten pretty viral. If you haven’t seen it yet, I’d highly recommend checking out the OG source, which still holds up today. :D
Oh yes, I meant this particular variation. This seems like it would be popular with a wider audience.
QuACk! qUAcK!
Edit: done with controlled text to image ai tools, just to be clear. I am not this talented lol