I love the weapon of choice for taking out Batman: a bat.
Before the advent of motorized transport, an officer’s batman was also in charge of the officer’s “bat-horse” that carried the officer’s kit during a campaign.
It’s quite likely that Alfred was a Batman before Batman was.
I don’t get it.
Harley Quinn hits Dracula with a bat. Vampires can turn into bats. I guess you could say Dracula is a “bat man”. Bruce Wayne lives in a mansion.
Is this just a pun on “bat man”? What am I missing?
Reading this comment is like watching someone pick out a needle from a needle stack and toss it aside to keep looking for a needle.
This comic makes me think that the “Batman vs Dracula” story might have been about a property line dispute.
Oh, I thought the joke is reversed as in Joker -> Stoker