0 points

I wouldn’t say murdered with words. I’ve been threatened by multiple people who are on meth. And there are even worse drugs out there which make people irrational

There are some drugs which should never be legalised. Furthermore, stuff like cigerettes are harming other people

My housemate had a serious addiction problem with weed too, and it’s hard for him to stay off it if it was more readily available

0 points

And the fact that meth is illegal is the main and only reason such a thread is illegal in your mind? …

0 points

Nope. I could give you lots of reasons ranging from car crashes caused by drugs, psychosis caused by many of them, look at NT in Australia where they heavily control alcohol, etc

I’ve seen people’s lives affected by this crap… and the number of times druggies try to drag others into their addiction by telling them “it’s totally safe” is common

And just to further this, some drugs affect others due to second hand smoke.

Lets be real, the main people who want to legalise drugs are doing so because they want weed too be legal. But if you speak to people who have recovered from weed addiction ( I know 2), they’ll probably tell you it needs to remain controlled. If you speak to recovering ridiculous alcoholics, they’ll tell you having alcohol surrounding them isn’t a good thing

We can agree to disagree I guess.

0 points

I would like to agree to disagree but your post is as manipulative as it gets! Nobody here wants uncontrolled drugs, just not criminalized aka hunting sick people to a point where they have to refuse any kind of help unless they want to end up in fucking jail. Also, the legilazation of all drugs isn’t a matter of legalizing weed, every scientific evidence we have on this entire planet points to the fact that people consume the drugs they prefer no matter if they go to jail for it or not and that you can live a healthy and happy live no matter which one you choose. To deny someone the drug they prefer (be that alcohol, sugar or fucking meth) is as much of a overreach as telling people how/who to fuck and at least in my mind we are past the time of religous states so this shit is outdated af and should immediately be revoked entirely!

0 points

The pfp for that NIMBY/whatabout troll account is perfect. I can smell her room full of horse posters and chintzy crucifixes.

0 points

A sprinkle of hidden stereotypical sexism is also always well received online.


Murdered by Words


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Responses that completely destroy the original argument in a way that leaves little to no room for reply - a targeted, well-placed response to another person, organization, or group of people.

The following things are not grounds for murder:

  • Personal appearance (“You’re fat”, “You’re ugly”)
  • Posts with little-to-no context
  • Posts based on a grammar/spelling error
  • Dick jokes, “Yo mama”, “No, you” type responses and other low effort insults
  • “Your values are bad” without any logcal or factual ways of showing that they are wrong (“I believe in capitalism” - “Well, then you must be evil” or “Fuck you you ignorant asshole”)


  1. Be civil and remember the human. No name calling or insults. Swearing in general is fine, but not to insult someone else.
  2. Discussion is encouraged but arguments are not. Don’t be aggressive and don’t argue for arguments sake.
  3. No bigotry of any kind.
  4. Censor the person info of anyone not in the public eye.
  5. If you break the rules you’ll get one warning before you’re banned.
  6. Enjoy the community in the light hearted way it’s intended.

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