Bonus panel: Moon enters with shit-eating grin.
I’m Spanish all the days of the week are named after the planets, the moon and the Sun
Lunae Dies’ en honor a la diosa Luna, es lunes.
‘Marti Dies’, en honor al dios de la guerra, Marte, y es martes.
‘Mercurii Dies’, en honor al dios del comercio, es miércoles
‘Jovis Dies’, en honor a Júpiter, dios de dioses, es jueves.
‘Veneris Dies’, en honor a Venus, diosa del amor, es viernes.
‘Saturni Dies’, en honor a Saturno, dios de la agricultura, es sábado
‘Solis Dies’, en honor al dios Sol, es domingo
I mean in English it’s
Tyr (Mars)
Odin (Mercury)
Thor (Jupiter)
Freya (No roman counterpart, arguably occupies the same function as Venus)
Saturn is also how we get Saturday in English.
Wednesday comes from Woden’s Day, an alternative spelling of Odin’s Day.
Which leads us to Thor’s Day: Thursday.
I don’t know where we get from Mars to Tuesday and Venus to Friday though.
I can’t get over how cute the artist does the sun’s smirk
Isn’t Earth Day the day when technically all of earths renewable resources for the year are used up, as a symbol of how unsustainable or consumption is?