I apologize for how negative that sounds! It’s been 3 months. I unfortunately can’t be as consistent as I’d like because of chronic utis. I currently go about 8-10 km/h for 20 mins at a time, 2-3 times a week when I’m healthy. I keep at it because I’ve noticed a boost in my general energy and mood, but I hate pretty much every second of actually running. I read that that’s normal as you start out, especially if you start from zero like I did. But I’ve also read you eventually start to tolerate and then later enjoy it. How long did it take for you to get to that point?

0 points

What do you hate specifically – e.g. exercising in general, getting hot and sweaty, foot/leg/joint pain, your location or route, having to be alone with your thoughts for a while, etc? I’ve been running for nearly 3 decades now (yikes), and even as a kid I remember the thing that made it “click” with me is the realization that I literally could not be doing anything else at the same time (aside from listening to music, I guess).

I think that unless you are having physical pain (in which case the usual applies - check your shoes, modify your gait, reduce or restructure your runs to be more comfortable), you have to get into the headspace of just mentally doing nothing, which can be hard for some people.

FWIW I don’t know anyone who, in the middle of a 10k run in 90 degree heat with a side stitch says “I feel awesome right now!”, but I do know many, many people who will finish out that run, stop for a moment and then go “ahhhhhhh.”

1 point

I echo this bit about not loving it in the middle of it. This is true for lots of endurance activities. The battle of will is very real.

1 point

Thanks for helping me try to pinpoint the issue!

I think it’s exercising in general. I don’t have any pain during runs. I don’t love being hot and sweaty but it’s tolerable if I can shower right after. And I do love walking, even without music, so it’s not the thoughts thing either. I just really hate how it feels to have an elevated heart rate and to be out of breath, even a little. It’s like this with any form of cardio I’ve ever tried, like cycling and swimming. I’ll enjoy the activity itself but hate how it makes my body feel while it’s happening. I wish I could explain it better than that.

1 point

One thing that made me forget about the bad aspects of running is running on a treadmill while watching action movies. The increased heart rate works great for both of those, and having the treadmill to keep my pace steady allowed me to run farther than I had in other situations like running outside or running while listening to audiobooks.

Also, running in nature is more enjoyable than running around the parking lot or whatever.

Some people never enjoy running though, and just tolerate it for its benefits. Maybe that’s you?

2 points

You mean during the run?

A “runners high” is when you run so long, that your body just stops fighting it figuring you have a good reason to be running. So it dumps endorphins and suddenly running is a blast.

Not everyone gets that though. And it may not be what you’re asking about.

For other people, they never enjoy running, they enjoy the results of running.

20 minutes isn’t going to get you a runners high. But it will have noticable health improvements during the rest of the time.

Don’t expect running to become an enjoyable hobby, it’s maintenance that you’re putting in now, and you’ll get the results later.

The people who actually do enjoy it, run ridiculous distance, you may get there some day if you want, and what you’re doing is productive and worth the effort. But don’t expect to start enjoying it unless you keep building up distance till you’re talking about marathons. It takes a very long time before a runners high is possible.

1 point

Sounds like I had some unrealistic expectations. I didn’t really think of a literal runners high, just reasonable enjoyment. But good to know it’s worth it either way! Thanks!

0 points

I didn’t enjoy running until I worked myself up to doing longer distances, like 8k+ runs - before then it was a painful chore I felt obligated to do, now I go stir crazy if I don’t get out for a run at least twice a week.

That being said, even now, runs are a slog until I get into my groove, which happens around the ~3k or 15-20 minute mark, but once I get there I’m happy to keep going for another 10-20k

You mention going by time and not distance - I assume you are on a treadmill? Personally I can’t stand treadmills, it’s monotonous, and there isn’t as much air movement around you, so it’s harder to thermoregulate.

1 point

Haha that’ll be a long time yet, if ever! But thanks for the input, it’s helpful to make my expectations more realistic.

I do run outside, I’ve just read and heard a lot of people recommend to go by time rather than distance as you start out from zero stamina, which was the case for me. Zero as in gets winded after one flight of stairs.

1 point

Slowing down

Establish whether you’re more a treadmill + space, treadmill + distraction, or trail runner (I can run twice as much on trails than pavement, and on pavement double what I’d do on a treadmill, because I just get bored with the latter two. I benefit from the challenge of variety of landscape and terrain).

Question whether “you” don’t like running or it’s your system understandably resisting exertion. This is the will power aspect. Talk to the resistance, be friendly to it, cajole it, but clear that you’ll be finishing the run.

I benefit from toggling my awareness around. e.g. from my core to my feet, to my breath and my gaze. Keeping my mind busy with that helps distract that resistance.

Give it at least 20 minutes for the groove to kick in. Running really only starts then. Many people keep themselves always in the less fun part

Switch to HIIT running routines. Less time, generally more benefits. So miserable but brief that you don’t have time to process it!




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