The DLCS aren’t cosmetic - they’re “additional” storylines.
Why are you defending the practice of selling incomplete games with the option to pay to play the entire game ON DAY 1?
What? Is it additional storylines or part of the main game? Who fucking cares, dont buy it if you dont want to. I only recently played the yuffy story on ff7r and it didnt add shit to my experience.
Expansion packs are a very old concept. That brand new game came out over a year ago. Also, it’s $25 for both DLCs.
According to a friend who had the displeasure of looking at the file size, he claims it’s 170GB when all is said and done… Stupid Sony square refusing to let steam preload…
170 GB is insane. Publishers should really get punished for making larger than average deliveries. Most of that size usage usually comes from poor optimization.
They’re typically optimizing for fidelity and performance ahead of install size. Multiple LODs can balloon an install size quite quickly, but they’ll give you better bang for your buck in other areas, and storage space is a concern that dissipates more in time, as you upgrade to newer machines.
I have seen this theory floated a few times. The problem is that reading uncompressed files from disk can often be slower than reading less data and decompressing it on the fly efficiently. Would be interesting to see actual studies of this for common game data.
What’s Sony got to do with this? It’s entirely developed and published by Square.
I want to open a Final Fantasy-themed Vietnamese restaurant in south central Arizona. I’m going to call it “Pho Enix”.
Not sure where to open up shop, but I’m thinking Scottsdale.
Could you edit the post and add the actual store links? Thanks!