This comic follows on from the Previous comic which will almost certainly provide context.
Just enthralled. Completely spellbound. Beguiled, charmed, under your spell.
maybe dominated/j
I always get excited when I see a new Konsi comic :)
Does the symbol above the door intentionally look like a roulette wheel?
As best I can find, rooting through old Forgotten Realms lore, the colours of the Tymoran church are normally blue and silver.
For my comics, I made the Tower of Luck use green as it’s main colour for stuff, to mimic the green baize of gambling tables. Gold accents to symbolize wealth - since the Tower of Luck is much more focused on luck and gambling than the good fortune and karma focus that the rest of the faith normally has. It’s my general intention to slip gambling references and symbology into the church whenever the characters are there.
So how do you pronounce Geas? I’m inclined to /ɡiːɑs/
I just looked it up, and apparently it’s /ɡɛʃ/.
Never would have guessed that.
Gods I love your comics. So cute. So clever.