I like this new feature very much - the lid no longer has to be held in the other hand or such but simply stays where it is needed.
People who are not able to perform most simple tasks like turning the lid a little sideways should be exempted from elections.
Yeah, turning it a bit to the side is no big deal.
However, I recently found out that this makes drinking things a little more viscous absolutely impossible without messing up your shit.
I drank a Kefir, which you normally shake before drinking. So there is a lot of it clinging to the inside of the cap for dear life - up until to that very moment you take a sip. Then, it decides that it had enough and spills on your clothes, face, shoes - whatever the fuck it can possibly get to.
So either you need a glass, let it sit until the cap is mostly empty or lick that cap and look like a complete degenerate.
I will be going to the store later to buy kefir and relive your experience so I can better judge its validity
So okay the bottle ones like this are fine
It is these fuckers I have an issue with
I swear if I ever see the person who designed the new milk cap I will make them choke on a fucking tetrapak.
Bottled water: Imagine drinking 240000 microplastic particles per bottle.
Having been on holiday at a place with a beach recently and seeing how much plastic crap gets washed ashore and how much of that crap is bottle lids, I’m actually pretty okay with this change.
Personally I’ve enjoyed the change, keeping track of the lid was always annoying. Also find it strange that everyone I’ve ever seen complain about it, never just riped it off, it’s not that hard, I tried just for the sake of it, it’s not any harder than opening the damn bottle. In fact, once saw one of these naggers complain about accidentally tearing it half way off, making it even more annoying apparently. What clowns.
“Keeping track of the lid”???
Brother how short of a memory span do you have?!
No, but I have friends and family and we occasionally share a bottle, extra annoyance point for sharing in a group of classmates or similar almost stranger group. Usually the first person to open it holds on to it, or you pass it with the bottle, but sometimes someone puts it down, for any reason really, lazyness, not expecting to close it soon, and before ya know it, ya searching for the fucking lid.