Specifically, racist signs attacking Harris.
The balls of calling democrats segregationists (well, except for Biden) when promoting racism against immigrants.
And apparently also in Chicago, probably other cities, too.
This was nationally organized.
Way to go, “moral majority.”
Jesus, it’s not bad enough that they bolted the signs up, it’s that someone actually unironically FABRICATED metal signs…
The signs are manufactured by a “conservative street artist” on a web store called “unsavory agents.” There’s a lot of really gross shit there
unsavory agents
I was curious so I went to their webstore and looked. There’s nothing there for Kamala, Immigrants, or even metal street signs.
It’s still an ugly little webshop with ugly messaging but I didn’t find anything like whats in the pictures.
A good TV cop would be able to figure out who manufactured the signs by finding companies in the area who produce them, and then running metal tests against their stock, or pressuring them to divulge their client. Personally, I like the Raymon Redington approach, and just torture them.
Probably, but this is a pretty specific attack. It might be worth looking at sign shops along the bus route. It could be one of their employees.
Edit: here is one near the bus route:
Not making any accusations, but they have the materials and machines.
Legalize hunting racists
We need to invent shame paint balls that cause the person hit to reassess their lack of compassion for other living beings.
There’s a great science fiction series by Steve Perry called “The Matador Series” where the weapon of choice is a dartgun that mounts to the back of your hand. The barrel comes out above your index finger and you shoot it by pointing your finger and tapping the underside of the barrel.
There are a bunch of different kinds of darts, stingers that just hurt, shocktox which incapacitates and Smasm… which makes every muscle in the body involuntarily contract and ties the victim in a knot for 6 months.
Smasm seems appropriate here. :)
1st book: