“People think there is a non placebo effect.” Of course “people” do, the same people who think homeopathy works. They are wrong. Full stop, wrong.
I am so conflicted on this. My partner, as a child, had bad case of asthma. She went to normal doctor…which almost killed her by being overzealos with antibiotics (That doc also almost killed my best friend…). Her mother, a proper believer that natural healing is the way to go, took her then to a homeopath.
And it worked.
It bloody worked. Shit backed off enough that she’s having a normal life. Granted, that homeopath also had doctorate in medicine and was long time practicing doctor, but shit.
Edit: Note to self, people dislike even actual real histories because homeopathy bad. Heh.
I read somewhere that one of the effects is abstention from treatment. Essentially the idea that, sometimes, to do nothing is better than blasting the body with macro doses of foreign chemicals. This seems to be the case here.
It’s placebo in any practical sense. As mixtures become more dilute they essentially become pure water: anything over 23 dilutions becomes statistically unlikely to have even a single atom of the original substance in it at all. And the trials on it are indistinguishable from placebo.
I envy you. Had to discuss with esos way to much
My father and stepmother were full tilt into this quackery. Today they don’t talk about it as much, but they do talk about politics an awful lot. I’ll let you figure out where they fall on the political spectrum.