Guess I’ll die 😬
Most likely it’s just a data harvesting scheme so they can see if you can mentally take being overworked (they don’t care and will work you to a slow death regardless), isn’t capitalism just wonderful :3
Those aren’t therapy sessions
They’re data acquisition and gaslighting sessions
As a supporter of getting professional help like therapy, I get kinda frustrated at the whole process.
My company has two options: a in-company therapist and TalkSpace.
The in-company therapist is a nice lady but I don’t like that her boss is HR, where I have the most problems with. She’s also technically challenged and uses the company storage to save reports. You know who else has access to the company storage? IT. And I chill with those guys and absolutely know what they can see.
I had two really good therapists who quit TalkSpace in a year. But then, five people who were more like guidance counselors. They didn’t have any credentials in their profile outside of basic social work, and didn’t give me anything better than (ugh) an AI therapist.
Honestly I have to pay out of pocket for therapy now.
I mean, just schedule the appointment, put it on your work schedule, and ask that doctor (or whatever you call them) for a note for work. That’s what I do.
Please take care of yourself. You are important.
Haha, thanks for the laugh. If I was, I either wouldn’t need a psych appointment, or at least it wouldn’t cause any issues.
I know better than that what my place in this world is, though. But thanks for at least having a heart. That puts you above everyone I have to interact with on a daily basis.