What in the actual fuck are SSRIs?
Common antidepressant. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors work be limiting how much serotonin your neurons gather back up after use. More serotonin around leads to more happy. Or so the theory goes. Antidepressants are very much vibes based and the best way to see what works is trial and error.
Like you’re one of a kajillion people who have ever lived, like an ant, and if someone came along and stepped on you, you’d be dead, just like most of the kajillion people who have ever lived, only to be replaced by another.
ETA- also sweaty, yawny, and either very interested or very not interested in sex and/or food.
They have no effect until you stop taking them. Then you hallucinate for a few weeks, like a low to medium dose of LSD.
Small, oblong, smooth but not slick. Very similar to many other pills.