You’re dependent on caffeine, you get withdrawal symptoms if you have none.
Caffeine gives me FAR worse withdrawal symptoms than my prescription Adderall. Caffeine also just really fucks me up in general, I think I have a caffeine sensitivity or something or maybe it’s just the GAD I have. The worst part is I really like caffeinated drinks and I convince myself “the caffeine won’t be bad” and chug a monster or coffee or something, then I feel extremely high stress like I’m on the verge of a stroke for the next few hours lol
Also caffeine destroys my sleep more than my brain alone already does
I’m in this photo and I don’t like it 😂
Typical ADHD reaction.
2 hours? That sounds marvelous! Right now I get all caffeinated and then tether myself to a headset for 8 hours lol
That’s why I made my work buy me a wireless headset.
That way when I’m locked in a 5 hour call for something I have no input on or care about I can at least get up and make myself a few cups of coffee
locked in a 5 hour call for something I have no input on or care about
You are living my nightmare.
Do you ever have to note or recall information afterwards? Because for me it wouldn’t be the sitting in a call for 5 hours part that would be the problem, it would be someone asking me to tell them anything that happened in it that would be the problem. I couldn’t even tell you who was in it
They won’t give us wireless ones unless there’s some kind of medical exception… The managers get them but we don’t. I would buy my own but every time I try to use any of my own equipment IT freaks the fuck out about it
We learned the magic words at my company.
Health and safety
Say that and they back down.
My work take h&s super serious. He’ll just today the upper management held a 90 min meeting right across lunch time that included a segment on how important it is that you get away from your PC during lunch.
So you’re telling me there’s are jobs where i don’t have to do anything for 5 hours at a time?
No there are jobs that have 5 hour meetings while you watch your backlog pile up an extra 5 hours
My understanding is that caffeine doesn’t give you energy but instead blocks the sense of tiredness.
Basically carbs and fat give you energy, if we’re talking the literal term. I think protein does too but it’s less.
But stimulants do unlock mental resources. I believe caffeine induces a fight or flight state (what I’ve heard; haven’t studied this), one aspect of which is the body decides to make more energy available at the cost of faster breakdown.
Dopaminergic stimulants give your body the sense it’s pursuing something important. So the same zap of released resources called “motivation” that you’d get if you suddenly realized your favorite person in the world is outside, you can also get by taking adderall or cocaine.
Only if you take it once though. If you drink coffe regularly, you only get withdrawal symptoms if you have none instead. Coffeine has no stimulating effect if taken regularly.